Short overview of abstracts and discussions during the XI International Scientific Con-ference held in Nizhny Novgorod by Russian Association for Research in Women’s History (October 4—7, 2018) presents a varied tapestry of ideas and estimations, relating assessments concerning the gender aspects of urbanism, as well as innovative interdisciplinary approaches in […]
Issue: 2019 No.1
The article is based on the analysis of literature and narrative sources, including those recorded in personal conversations. On the example of T. M. Zakharova the author shows the realization of “soft power” notion. T. Zacharova combined work at the Leningrad plant of laminated plastics with public diplomacy; she was […]
Sinova I. V. Т. М. Zakharova’s pivot in the ...
In an attempt to study gender innovations in education in the late imperial Russia, the author has focused on co-education in commercial schools. The practice of co-education, that failed to find strong support in the political and social circles of the late imperial Russia, was introduced privately in the secondary […]
Magsumov T. A. Gender re (e) volution of commercial ...
The reasons for the custom of bride kidnapping in the North Caucasus are investigated. The analysis of statistical indicators of the number of kidnappings, the number of criminal cases, the unemployment rate, the dynamics of per capita income in the region. There are three main reasons for the bride’s abduction: […]
Makhmudova M. M., Koroleva A. M., Makhmudova D. ...
“Yunosti Chestnoe Zertsalo” (“The Honorable Mirror for Youth”) belongs to the signif-icant cultural phenomena of Peter the Great’s epoch with its orientation to innovations. The more interesting is the connection of this book with the tradition, clearly exposed in gender asymmetry. Having analyzed its manifestations (in architectonics, composition, semantics of […]
Kapustin N. V. Origins of gender asymmetry in Russia ...
Understanding cohabitation not only as a sign of the institutional crisis of the traditional marriage, but also as a recognition of the objectivity of this phenomenon necessitates consideration in sparsely populated remote regions of the country. At present in Yakutia every sixth married couple prefers to not register their marriage […]
Sukneva S. A., Barashkova A. S. The phenomenon ...
A woman’s image in the car advertisements of the last two years has been analyzed in the paper. This segment was chosen because the car advertising is very illustrative of the social roles and gender stereotypes. Driving is presented as a man’s intrinsic matter though statistics of traffic police disclaims […]
Medvedeva E. I. A woman’s image in the car ...
The facts provided in the article show that a TV commercial, besides the task of goods promotion, actively contributes to formations of definite norms and styles of human social behavior in society. It seems possible because gender stereotypes categorize, simplify and schematize social reality. The sociological analysis of nonverbal behavior […]
Gogoleva E. N. Gender stereotypes in television commercials as ...
Family is the main institution for the rendition of values and norms, socialization of new generations and, ultimately, it determines the face of the society. Although the traditional monogamous family retains its positions in the mass consciousness, it has been transforming steadily being affected by the changing reality. The article […]
Kalachikova O. N., Gruzdeva M. A. Gender stereotypes ...
The attitude of students to entrepreneurship is analyzed. It is established that only one person out of five would like to devote his life to entrepreneurship under certain conditions. The study revealed a gender imbalance. In particular, a significant part of female students re-fers to entrepreneurship positively. Such an attitude […]
Talanov S. L., Gadzhibabaeva A. А. Entrepreneurship in ...
The problem of women’s involvement in entrepreneurship in modern Russia is investi-gated. The main attention is paid to a comprehensive assessment of the entrepreneurial activity of our compatriots and the analysis of their motivation when creating their own business. In the process of studying this problem, the author used the […]
Pinkovetskaya Yu. S. Entrepreneurial activity of women in ...
The article presents a brief review of the scientific literature on various aspects of the status of women in science, on the basis of which the necessity and actuality of studying the social well-being of women researchers in academic science is substantiated. The methodology of studying the social well-being of […]
Solovey A. P. The social well-being of women researchers ...
The article looks into the gender aspect of public participation in the region. Civic participation means the process by which public associations or individuals get involved in relations with the state and other socio-political institutions in order to address important social issues. Monitoring the data of public opinion of Vologda […]
Ukhanova Yu. V. Civil participation of regional community: ...
How and to what extent the American democracy solves problems in the context of creating a gender balance and opportunities for gender equality? What is the characteristic of the conditions that favors the functioning of real democracy and its further improvement in terms of a gender approach? The author believes […]