Abstract. Modern families, especially in large cities, are in the process of intense change. The number of unregistered marriages is growing, and the number of children born outside of (registered) marriages is increasing. The age of marriage is rising. In the 1990s, these signs did not have such long-term trends […]
Keywords: marriage
The purpose of the research presented in the article was to study the concepts of personal security of women with different types of their financial behavior in marriage. The methods of content analysis, subjective scaling, and expert evaluation were used. The re-spondents were 100 married women aged 25 to 50 […]
Krasnyanskaya T. M., Tylets V. G., Iokhvidov V. V. Concepts ...
The article is devoted to the description of the legal status of married women in the Russian Empire of the 19th — early 20th centuries. On the basis of a gender approach, the analysis of legislation was carried out. The author made use of a range of documentary sources and […]
Denisenko N. V. Married women in the Russian Empire: regulation ...
Apollinariia Suslova is mostly famous as the strongest passion of Fyodor Dostoevsky as well as the prototype of his female literary characters. She is also known for her difficult relations with her husband Vasiliy V. Rozanov. But the personality of Suslova is interesting not only because of her connection with […]
Kapustin N. V. To the portrait of Apollinariia Suslova: changing ...
After the October revolution of 1917, the lifestyle of Muslim women in Central Asia changed dramatically. This was due to the gender policy of the Bolsheviks. This study analyzes the Soviet Central Asia from a historical perspective to understand the impact of the Soviet regime on Muslim women’s lifestyles. It […]
Omarbayev Y., Khazretali T., Zulpikharova E., Kumganbayev Zh. Muslim women ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.4.10 The aim of this article is to study one of the main forms of marriage in the North Caucasus — the abduction of girls, and a form of violating criminal laws — the abduction of women. The work is carried out on the example of Chechnya and Ingushetia. […]
Pliev A. A., Babich I. L. Woman as ...
Family is the main institution for the rendition of values and norms, socialization of new generations and, ultimately, it determines the face of the society. Although the traditional monogamous family retains its positions in the mass consciousness, it has been transforming steadily being affected by the changing reality. The article […]
Kalachikova O. N., Gruzdeva M. A. Gender stereotypes ...
Исследуются представления мужчин и женщин о современной семье, основах брака, распределении семейных обязанностей и ролей. Анализ основан на данных мониторинговых социологических опросов по репродуктивному поведению и здоровью, проведенных в Вологодской области в 2011, 2014 и 2017 гг. Показаны трансформация института семьи, рутинизация сожительств, изменение мотивов вступления в брак. Сделан вывод […]
О. Н., Груздева М. А. Гендерные стереотипы в ...
The article deals with the analysis of gender arrangements of contemporary Russian cohabitations. Using the interviews collected in the frames of an empirical research in St Petersburg, the author reconstructs the phenomenology of «civil marriage» in a milieu of young urban middle class people, identifies the meanings of «civil marriage» […]
Shpakovskaya L. L. Cohabitation: marriage strategies of urban middle class ...
Regional differences in the children’s perception of new lives after their parents’ divorce are revealed. Reduction of interaction with their fathers is typi-cal of children from single-parent families living in Nizhniy Novgorod; that pro-cess is proportionate to the increase of family separation time. It certainly is a negative consequence of […]
Ermilova A. V. The perception of children’s life after ...
Trends in family/marital relations affect family formation in today’s society, including Russia. Couples living together without registration, also known as cohabitation, form an increasingly significant stage in building a marriage/family strategy. The paper deals with the emergence and spread of this phenomenon which was named “nubile cohabitation”. Quantitative data (obtained […]
Egorova N. Yu. Cohabitation in the marital strategies of ...
Анализируется сожительство в контексте выстраивания брачных/семейных стратегий молодых. Количественные данные (материалы переписей населения и общероссийских социологических опросов) позволяют сделать вывод, что подобные союзы занимают прочные позиции, как минимум, в качестве пробного брака. Анализ интервью молодых людей, со-стоящих в незарегистрированных отношениях (Нижний Новгород, 2013 и 2015 гг.), позволяет увидеть общие моменты […]
Выявляются гендерно-региональные различия в восприятии детьми жизни после развода родителей, затрагивающие следующие аспекты детско-родительских отношений: отношение к разводу, удовлетворенность материальной обеспеченностью и жилищными условиями, наличие помощи со стороны отдельно проживающего родителя, частоту встреч с ним, причины запрета таких встреч, а также различия в желаниях детей общаться со вторым родителем в […]
Статья посвящена анализу гендерного уклада современных российских незарегистрированных союзов. На основании эмпирического исследования реконструируется феноменология «гражданского брака» в среде молодых представителей городского среднего класса, выделяются те смыслы, которые приписываются этому явлению обыденным сознанием в данной социальной группе. Предлагается типология партнерских союзов, анализируется отношение к зарегистрированному браку в партнерствах, интерпретируются изменения […]