Keywords: Central Asia

Abstract.  The arrival of migrant women from Central Asia to the Moscow region radically changes the social context of life, the lifestyle of migrant women and affects the transformation of stereotypes of gender roles in families. The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristics of attitudes towards family […]

Osadchaya G. I., Volkova O. A., Yudina T. N., Roslavtseva ...

This article aims to compare fertility, first age at marriage, family planning, and contraceptive use in Central Asia and North Africa. Factors such as education level, access to contraceptives, religious beliefs, and demand for family planning were analyzed. Rural areas have lower fertility rates than urban areas. In Egypt, the […]

Mohammed Y. A. Fertility, marriage age, and contraceptive use in ...

The results of a study of the features of matrimonial behavior of migrant women from Central Asian countries are presented in this article. The conclusions are based on the analysis of statistical data on the number of marriages between citizens of different States in the Russian marriage market. Marriage in […]

Ryazantsev S. V., Sivopljasova S. Yu. Matrimonial behavior of women ...

After the October revolution of 1917, the lifestyle of Muslim women in Central Asia changed dramatically. This was due to the gender policy of the Bolsheviks. This study analyzes the Soviet Central Asia from a historical perspective to understand the impact of the Soviet regime on Muslim women’s lifestyles. It […]

Omarbayev Y., Khazretali T., Zulpikharova E., Kumganbayev Zh. Muslim women ...

Article describes controversial problems of the Great Patriotic War histo-ry; it also defines the role of historical consciousness in the process of a new na-tion-state identity of modern Kazakhstan society. The article examines the main problems of Great Patriotic War memory preservation in Kazakhstan. Considerable attention is paid to the […]

Zharkynbaeva R. S. The Great Patriotic War: gender aspects ...

Изучаются основные проблемы сохранения памяти о Великой Отечественной войне в Казахстане. Большое внимание уделяется коммеморативным практикам, обеспечивающим существование в исторической памяти казахстанцев образа этой войны, который является одним из ресурсов национальной идентичности. Освещается массовое и деятельное участие женщин Средней Азии и Казахстана в вооруженной защите своей Родины в годы Великой […]

Жаркынбаева Р. С. Великая Отечественная Война: социальная память и коммеморативные ...