Abstract. The relevance of the topic is due to the incomplete implementation of the Family Policy Concept and the need to think about unrealized opportunities. The author analyzes the measures taken and legislative initiatives in the context of family development trends and the declared goals of family policy. The importance […]
Keywords: children
The institutional conditions and career opportunities of the women in Kazakhstan in the government agencies are considered in this article. The strategies, the programs and legislative conditions for Kazakhstan women in the politics are described. Based on the analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews of young women with experience in the […]
Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seidumanov S. T. Women of Kazakhstan in the ...
The article investigates problems of combining paid employment and maternity. The theoretical approaches presented in the economic and sociological literature explaining the conflict of social roles of women’s “work and maternityˮ are analyzed. The differences in the positions of rural and urban mothers with children in the labor market are […]
Blinova T. V., Vyal’shina A. A. Working mothers’ ...
The article focuses on the losses among civil population on the occupied territories of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The author makes use of a wide range of documentary sources and literature on Great Patriotic and World War II history. His own calculations and also statistic data on […]
Morozov S. D. Men, women and children on occupied ...
Regional differences in the children’s perception of new lives after their parents’ divorce are revealed. Reduction of interaction with their fathers is typi-cal of children from single-parent families living in Nizhniy Novgorod; that pro-cess is proportionate to the increase of family separation time. It certainly is a negative consequence of […]
Ermilova A. V. The perception of children’s life after ...
Выявляются гендерно-региональные различия в восприятии детьми жизни после развода родителей, затрагивающие следующие аспекты детско-родительских отношений: отношение к разводу, удовлетворенность материальной обеспеченностью и жилищными условиями, наличие помощи со стороны отдельно проживающего родителя, частоту встреч с ним, причины запрета таких встреч, а также различия в желаниях детей общаться со вторым родителем в […]
Исследуются численность и потери гражданского населения на оккупированных территориях СССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Автором использован широкий круг документальных источников по истории Великой Отечественной войны, приведены собственные подсчеты, а также статистические данные потерь мирного населения. Основными причинами гибели советских людей на оккупированных территориях страны были сознательное уничтожение захватчиками гражданского […]