The article analyzes the contribution of the outstanding philanthropist of education L. A. Shanyavskaya to the implementation of the project to create a non-state People’s University in Moscow (1908), which can rightfully be considered as an accessible social elevator for thousands of people in obtaining higher education despite the gender, […]
Issue: 2021 No.3
The article deals with the practice of divorce among Bashkirs initiated by their wives in the second half of the XIX — early XX c. It focuses on the causes of divorce. The wife could demand a divorce under the following circumstances: her husband’s poverty, incomplete payment of kalym, ill-treatment, […]
Suleimanova R. N., Isyangulov Sh. N. «I request the termination ...
In the article the authors investigate the transformation of typical images of women leaders in Soviet cinema. Until the end of the Stalin era, politicized images of women leaders were created, which were mainly intended to justify state power and the course of the Communist Party, which proclaimed gender equality. […]
Torburg M. R., Dobronravov S. V. The evolution of the ...
The article presents the results of our own sociological research on the position of women in the modern social protection system, their status and role functions and job satisfaction, conducted in 2020. Previously this problem was not given enough attention in domestic research. The authors of this work revealed that, […]
Firsov M. V., Vdovina M. V. Women in the social ...
The article aims to present the dynamics of ethnocultural values and norms regulating family and marriage relations in Southern Russia based on materials from sociological re-studies conducted from 2004 to 2020. The article discusses the results of the analysis of the gender and age hierarchy in the family, the gender […]
Klimenko L. V. Family in the multicultural space of Southern ...
The paper is devoted to the analysis of how emigrants from Russia to the United States understand the concept of «Motherland», as well as to the comparative analysis of the perception of the Motherland image by Russians and emigrants from Russia. The author plans to determine differences in the perception […]
Karusheva Yu. M. The image of Motherland from the point ...
The main purpose of this article is to study gender stereotypes in the field of Russian higher education, where, in the context of updated modernization measures at the organizational, personnel, functional, and socio-motivational levels, gender stereotypes as awareness of gender differences being socially and professionally determined contain real and potential […]
Vodenko K. V., Degtyarev A. K. Gender stereotypes in higher ...
The article examines the influence of gender educational differences on the stable excess of the men general unemployment level over the women one in modern Russia. Women are still less competitive compared to men in many aspects in the Russian labor market, including the inequalities in recruitment and dismissal and […]
Baskakova M. E. On the impact of education on the ...
The article presents an analysis of the obstacles to the increase in the number of children in the family and measures that contribute to the increase in the number of children in the family. The assessment is based on the data of a sample survey carried out by the Institute […]
Rostovskaya T. K., Zolotareva O. A. Assessment of the demographic ...
The problem of demographic reproduction in Russia is widely discussed. This article analyzes the topic of reproductive health of the population and the state resources manifested for its maintenance. State policy measures in the field of reproductive health of the population relate mainly to solving problems of a demographic nature. […]
Kozlovskiy V. V., Pankratova L. S., Tkachuk D. V. Reproductive ...
The institutional conditions and career opportunities of the women in Kazakhstan in the government agencies are considered in this article. The strategies, the programs and legislative conditions for Kazakhstan women in the politics are described. Based on the analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews of young women with experience in the […]
Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seidumanov S. T. Women of Kazakhstan in the ...
Among gender issues, the issue of protecting women from all types and forms of violence, including domestic (family) violence, occupies a special place. At the international legal level, the most comprehensive definition of ―domestic violence‖ which includes not only physical violence, but also psychological, moral, economic coercion, the creation of […]