Baskakova M. E. On the impact of education on the gender general unemployment gap in Russia, p. 53-70

The article examines the influence of gender educational differences on the stable excess of the men general unemployment level over the women one in modern Russia. Women are still less competitive compared to men in many aspects in the Russian labor market, including the inequalities in recruitment and dismissal and the unemployment duration. We prove that a higher education level significantly and almost equally reduces the risks of unemployment for both women and men. At the same time, economically active Russian women are significantly better educated. Two-thirds of them have tertiary or secondary professional education, while only half of men possess the same educational level. This gender asymmetry of educational structures, all other things being equal, implies lower risks of job loss for working women as a whole compared to men. This is one of the factors of the gender gap in the general unemployment rates favorable for women and disguises the existence of discriminatory practices in the job market. Calculations show that if the educational structures of men and women
were identical, the differences in the general unemployment rates would be significantly less than the existing ones or even have the opposite sign, that is they would be more favorable for men. The article is based on the data from sample Labor Force Surveys conducted by Rosstat in 1992—2020. read in PDF>>>