Gender is a society’s perspective to differ men and women in term of their behavior which can be characterized through culture and religion values. This study aims to determine the close relationship between the Gender Development Index and the Poverty Line. This study used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation test […]
Keywords: gender
The use of several research strategies (comparative historical method, methods of gender anthropology, calling for more attention to female informants and empathy, identifying social dampeners that ensured the mitigation of contradictions and disproportions), several kinds and types of sources (journal publications, medical brochures, women’s ego documents and oral female histories […]
Pushkareva N. L., Bogdashina I. V. “The best adornment of ...
The growing territorial and regional inequality, depopulation of Russia and the gender imbalance are defined in the article as an environment for social sentiment in rural areas. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, uncontrolled information flows, its inclusivity and media construction acted as a catalyst for changing social sentiment, […]
Milovanova M. Yu. Social mood of rural residents in the ...
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated with it lockdown may have affected women and men differently. The purpose of the study is to describe the system of demographic, social and economic losses from the pandemic, which potentially have a gender perspective. To confirm the gender unequal consequences of the pandemic, statistical […]
Kalabikhina I. E. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic from a ...
Job search acts as one of the stages of youth integration into the institute of labor. This process may be associated with the implementation of a diploma of education or occur outside of the binding to the received specialty. The results of a study on the employment of young people […]
Shinkarenko, E. A., Vitkovskaya, S. K. Youth employment: gender segmentation, ...
The coronavirus pandemic and the self-isolation measures introduced to combat it have led to the actualization of discussions related to the problem of domestic violence. In this article, we analyze international research results on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on intimate partner violence. The review focuses on three main […]
Kazun A. P. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on ...
The article presents an analysis of gender inequality in the Republic of Korea. The analysis is based on the film “Kim Ji-young: Born 1982”. In this article, the Republic of Korea has been selected as a purpose of gender inequality study for the reason of duality. On the one hand, […]
Komarova K. A. Inequality between women and men in South ...
The article examines the gender specificity of the transmission of culture, socio-economic status, and the place of women in public perception in the Caucasus in accordance with the theory of the frontier. The study reveals many status social roles of women on the Caucasian frontier. In the course of the […]
Gazieva A. A. Mediators of culture: about gender features of ...
Using symbolism patriarchal authorities have been making women “invisible” in public spaces for centuries. Toponyms derived from people’s names have a symbolic power to emphasize who is or should be valued in society. This article reviews the importance of streets named after people for the formation of the social and […]
Herbut N. A., Herbut I. A. Women’s underrepresentation in street ...
The article examines the influence of gender educational differences on the stable excess of the men general unemployment level over the women one in modern Russia. Women are still less competitive compared to men in many aspects in the Russian labor market, including the inequalities in recruitment and dismissal and […]
Baskakova M. E. On the impact of education on the ...
This article addresses gender differences in entrepreneurship in Russia, with a focus on how the Russian case compares with a set of selected benchmark countries. Utilizing primarily GEM data, we examine aspects of entrepreneurial culture, individual attitudes and resources, rates of entrepreneurship, and barriers to starting a new business. read […]
Nechemias C., Bahry D. Women entrepreneurs in Russia and other ...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the professional development of women in the academic community and the identification of gender barriers characteristic of the Russian science system. The materials of the integrated applied research (online survey of young Russian scientists, N = 105; in-depth interview […]
Shvetsova A. V. Professional development barriers of young scientists in ...
This article discusses the basics of gender strategy in Islam. The author considers the features and problems of interpretation of gender strategy in Islam, its dependence from Islamic law schools and local environment and mentality. The gender strategy in Islam strictly defines a woman’s place in society and family, emphasizing […]
Sirazhudinova S. V. Gender strategy in Muslim society: the case ...
The research focus of the article is defined by three scientific categories — gender, urbanism, disability. The issues of ensuring the sustainable development of the city and its territories are considered: satisfying the needs and rights to space for various groups of people, cre-ating such a friendly and open environment […]