Keywords: higher education

The article deals with considering the current issues of designing educational environment of a university, which significantly influences students’ egalitarian consciousness formation. The major outcome of this process is successful promotion of gender equality principles in Russian society. The definition of egalitarian consciousness is specified on the basis of scientific […]

Antyukhova Е. A. Educational environment of a university as a ...

The article analyzes the contribution of the outstanding philanthropist of education L. A. Shanyavskaya to the implementation of the project to create a non-state People’s University in Moscow (1908), which can rightfully be considered as an accessible social elevator for thousands of people in obtaining higher education despite the gender, […]

Bulanova M. B., Milovanova M. Yu. The contribution of women ...

The main purpose of this article is to study gender stereotypes in the field of Russian higher education, where, in the context of updated modernization measures at the organizational, personnel, functional, and socio-motivational levels, gender stereotypes as awareness of gender differences being socially and professionally determined contain real and potential […]

Vodenko K. V., Degtyarev A. K. Gender stereotypes in higher ...

Belarus ranks high in the world gender equality index. However, this does not mean that in practice gender balance has been already achieved. The process is hampered by traditional stereotypes and paternalistic rhetoric. The goal of the article is to demonstrate the gender imbalance that first of all appears as […]

Titarenko L. G. Gender imbalance or growth of gender ...

Беларусь занимает высокие места в мире по индексам гендерного равенства и гендерного разрыва, но практическое достижение равноправия женщин тормозится традиционными стереотипами и патерналистской риторикой. На примере сферы высшего образования продемонстрировано, что неплохие показатели гендерного равенства автоматически не приводят к преодолению гендерного дисбаланса, который поддерживается механизмами гендерного разделения труда и патерналистской […]

Титаренко Л. Г. Гендерный дисбаланс или рост гендерного равенства?, ...

The article proposes traditional and gender models of sex-role socializa-tion in education and the criteria for their analysis. Differentiated by gender, the goals, forms, methods and techniques of training and education are identified as essential diagnostic criteria of the applied model. Regulatory documents of the Russian education fixate purposes of […]

Kluchko O. I. Models of sex-role socialization in Russian ...

Исследуются традиционная и гендерная модели полоролевой социа-лизации в образовании и критерии их анализа. Образовательные цели, дифференцированные по половому признаку формы, методы и приемы обучения и воспитания определены как существенные диагностические па-раметры реализуемой модели. Зафиксирован низкий уровень рефлексии и информированности по данной проблеме у педагогов-практиков Москвы, что порождает мифологизацию гендерного подхода.Читать […]