Ermilova A. V. The perception of children’s life after the divorce: a sociological analysis pp.69-79

Regional differences in the children’s perception of new lives after their parents’ divorce are revealed. Reduction of interaction with their fathers is typi-cal of children from single-parent families living in Nizhniy Novgorod; that pro-cess is proportionate to the increase of family separation time. It certainly is a negative consequence of the divorce. In the Ivanovo region fathers are more actively involved in the upbringing and care of the child, which leads to the in-crease of single-parent father families in the region. A strong tendency is ob-served: fathers with a high level of financial status choose to raise their children independently which, in turn, can foster in children a positive attitude to divorce. Identified gender-specific features of children’s after divorce life mainly relate to the following aspects: the desire and frequency of meetings with separately li-ving parent, satisfaction with material security after divorce and the availability of assistance from the other parent. The problems of single-parent families, namely the decline in the material standard of the family, the deterioration of living conditions after the divorce, can be the basis of disapproving attitude to divorce on the part of children, who are experiencing negative feelings about it. read in PDF>>>