DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.6 The article is devoted to the analysis of various means of manipulating in commercials via non-verbal behavior from the gender angle. Comparative analysis of different forms of femi¬nine non-verbal behavior and female distinctive images in advertisements is delivered. Communicative and manipulative tactics aimed at perlocutionary effect are discussed. […]
Article Category: GENDER SOCIOLOGY
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.5 In the article the authors present the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the psychological characteristics of working middle-aged women in the aspect of experiencing satisfaction — dissatisfaction with work, ideas about the time perspective, the expression of meaningful orientations. The study involved adult women who […]
Sungurova N. L., Il’ina E. V. Work satisfaction ...
Understanding cohabitation not only as a sign of the institutional crisis of the traditional marriage, but also as a recognition of the objectivity of this phenomenon necessitates consideration in sparsely populated remote regions of the country. At present in Yakutia every sixth married couple prefers to not register their marriage […]
Sukneva S. A., Barashkova A. S. The phenomenon ...
A woman’s image in the car advertisements of the last two years has been analyzed in the paper. This segment was chosen because the car advertising is very illustrative of the social roles and gender stereotypes. Driving is presented as a man’s intrinsic matter though statistics of traffic police disclaims […]
Medvedeva E. I. A woman’s image in the car ...
The facts provided in the article show that a TV commercial, besides the task of goods promotion, actively contributes to formations of definite norms and styles of human social behavior in society. It seems possible because gender stereotypes categorize, simplify and schematize social reality. The sociological analysis of nonverbal behavior […]
Gogoleva E. N. Gender stereotypes in television commercials as ...
Family is the main institution for the rendition of values and norms, socialization of new generations and, ultimately, it determines the face of the society. Although the traditional monogamous family retains its positions in the mass consciousness, it has been transforming steadily being affected by the changing reality. The article […]
Kalachikova O. N., Gruzdeva M. A. Gender stereotypes ...
The attitude of students to entrepreneurship is analyzed. It is established that only one person out of five would like to devote his life to entrepreneurship under certain conditions. The study revealed a gender imbalance. In particular, a significant part of female students re-fers to entrepreneurship positively. Such an attitude […]
Talanov S. L., Gadzhibabaeva A. А. Entrepreneurship in ...
The problem of women’s involvement in entrepreneurship in modern Russia is investi-gated. The main attention is paid to a comprehensive assessment of the entrepreneurial activity of our compatriots and the analysis of their motivation when creating their own business. In the process of studying this problem, the author used the […]
Pinkovetskaya Yu. S. Entrepreneurial activity of women in ...
The article presents a brief review of the scientific literature on various aspects of the status of women in science, on the basis of which the necessity and actuality of studying the social well-being of women researchers in academic science is substantiated. The methodology of studying the social well-being of […]
Solovey A. P. The social well-being of women researchers ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.11 At present, scientists and experts believe, that the achievement of gender equality is one of the conditions of modern development efficiency. This conclusion is confirmed by the re-sults of numerous studies. However, the list of investigated factor variables that reflect the impact of gender inequality on the efficiency […]
Bazueva E. V., Radionova M. V. A study ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.10 The article considers gender differences in the formation and development of ideas about territorial development. Both men and women consider socio-economic and infrastructural development, as well as development of tourism priorities for the region. In other spheres views of men and women differ. In the perception of the […]
Zavarzina Iu. V. Gender differences in the reception of ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.9 Presented are the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the problem of prolong-ing an active working age of women who can be competitive in the modern labor market in the conditions of employers’ adherence to negative stereotypes of aging. The characteristic of the Russian specificity of […]
Saralieva Z. H. -M., Zakharova L. N., Leonova ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.8 This article deals with trends in women’s marriage migration from Russia after the col-lapse of the Soviet Union. Difficulties of registration of marriage migration are singled out. They are connected with, on the one hand, emigrants wish not to notify the authorities about their intentions, and on the […]
Ryazantsev S. V., Sivoplyasova S. Yu., Rostovskaya T. ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.7 The article, through the prism of the gender approach, analyzes the reasons due to which women with STEM-education leave their profession. The study is based on unstructured biographical interviews with working age women who have changed their occupation under influence of various life circumstances. The data show that […]