The relevance of the study is due to the institutionalization of the gender imbalance in the representative bodies of the Russian Federation, the lack of significant improvements in the aspect of the integration of women into the system of political governance. The results of the study show that the characteristics […]
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was passed by the country’s highest legislative body on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920. It gave American women the right to vote at the federal level, by law guaranteeing them this right. […]
Shvedova N. A. Strokes to a portrait of women’s movement ...
The institutional conditions and career opportunities of the women in Kazakhstan in the government agencies are considered in this article. The strategies, the programs and legislative conditions for Kazakhstan women in the politics are described. Based on the analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews of young women with experience in the […]
Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seidumanov S. T. Women of Kazakhstan in the ...
Among gender issues, the issue of protecting women from all types and forms of violence, including domestic (family) violence, occupies a special place. At the international legal level, the most comprehensive definition of ―domestic violence‖ which includes not only physical violence, but also psychological, moral, economic coercion, the creation of […]
Kashirkina A. A., Morozov A. N. European experience in gender ...
The paper deals with intersections of the gender stereotypes and age ones and their role in politics. Its first part focuses on theoretical issues of politicizing the age, and the second part analyzes the gender-age stereotypes in Russian politics. The authors point out that “gender” of power relates to its […]
Riabova T. B., Riabov O. V. “Not a boy, but ...
The article contains analysis of international legal regulation of issues relating to the elimination of violence against women and domestic violence. Main international docu-ments accepted in the aforementioned sphere have been highlighted. The experience of the Council of Europe and its member states on combatting the phenomenon of gender vio-lence […]
Goncharenko O. K. International and national law and practice ...
In 2020 the international community is celebrating several significant dates related to gender issues. These developments are of fundamental importance for Canada, which is actively involved in the development of gender policy at the international and domestic levels. The article examines the initiatives of the government of Canada to introduce […]
Israelian E. V. National security of Canada: gender dimension, ...
The article considers the current situation of women in the European Union labor mar-ket in the context of the UN Agenda 2030 as well as describes the relevant EU legislation. The factors that determine the difference in pay and features of inequality at the professional level are identified. The reasons […]
Govorova N. V. The European Union market in the ...
In the arsenal of the most important international events and legislative initiatives that formed the foundation and the architecture of the building “gender equality and justice” for the world community, we should mention such events as the fourth World Conference on Women, which adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for […]
Shvedova N. A. Celebrating the anniversary: gender equality issues ...
The article examines the gender policy of the state in the Russian Federation during the 25 years since the IV UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995). It is noted that ini-tially the conference and the Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at it had a significant impact on the […]
Voronina O. A. Post-Beijing: Russian gender policy in the ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.4.3 Based on focus-groups, conducted in Saint Petersburg and Ivanovo in November 2018, the paper examines the contemporary Russians’ reception on the images of U. S. militaries’ masculinity that were created by the Soviet and American films. The authors, at first, analyze the informants’ views on cinematic images of […]
Riabova T. B., Pankratova E. V. The “Cold ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.3 The article is an analytical review of the gender situation in Africa, dedicated to two an-niversaries: the 60th anniversary of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 30th anniversary of the Gender Research Group formed within the framework of its Research Centers […]
Krylova N. L., Xenofontova N. A., Prokopenko L. ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.2 The authors analyze the possibilities of using the synergistic potential of the society which is related to the optimization of gender relations in the society and equalization of the resource availability for the gender groups. The notion of a gender resource is presented as a possibility of social […]
Kashina M. A., Vasilenko L. A. Fractality of ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.1 The article is devoted to the little-studied problem of a new gender order formation as one of the types of social transitions in the context of globalization: the social-gender transi-tion. Its essence, forms of expression and conflict potential are analyzed. The analysis of the category “new gender order”, […]