Voronina O. A. Post-Beijing: Russian gender policy in the international context, p.3-15

The article examines the gender policy of the state in the Russian Federation during the 25 years since the IV UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995). It is noted that ini-tially the conference and the Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at it had a significant impact on the promotion of the principle of gender equality in the activities of the state. However, over time, formal adherence to international norms has been supplemented by measures to sup-port mother women at the expense of supporting their socio-economic rights. As world practice shows, economic and political progress is more intensive in societies that reject rigid traditional social norms and focus on the values of freedom, human rights, and personal self-development.
To prove this thesis, the author refers to the data obtained in the world survey on the study of values. In conclusion, the author points out that for the development of our country, it is neces-sary to return to the implementation of gender equality policies in accordance with international norms and principles set out in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as in all Post-Beijing documents. One of the main focuses should be on the introduction of a culture of gender equality in the public consciousness and on overcoming traditional social norms and cul-tural attitudes that create and reproduce sexist biases and social practices.
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