Milaeva O. V., Bobrov V. A., Martynova O. A., Piterova A. Yu., Siushkin A. E. Female deputies of the Russian Federation at the sub-federal level: quantitative characteristics, p. 88-109

The relevance of the study is due to the institutionalization of the gender imbalance in the representative bodies of the Russian Federation, the lack of significant improvements in the aspect of the integration of women into the system of political governance. The results of the study show that the characteristics of the current model of representation of women of the Russian Federation at the sub-federal level do not show significant changes compared to the previous period. The main category of women’s representation in the regions where the majority of subjects are concentrated is representation at the level of 10—20 %, while at the municipal level the average percentage of women’s participation is 20—30 %. The number of representative bodies of subjects with a 10—20 % participation rate of women at the municipal level is almost twice less than at the regional level, as is the category of minimum representation (less than 10 %). At the same time, the smallest group of women’s representation at the regional level (above 30 %) at the municipal level includes 14 subjects, approaching the indicators of the group of representation above the average (20—30 %) at the regional level. In one third of the representative bodies of the subjects (23), a distortion of the traditional gender pyramid is recorded, its configuration is changing: a higher percentage of women’s representation is recorded at the regional level than at the municipal level. This distortion is not related to the results of the elections on September 13, 2020, but is stable for a number of subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, the North-Western Federal District and the Volga Federal District. read in PDF>>>