Keywords: labor market

The article analyzes the characteristics of the behavior of women from Central Asian countries in the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region as one of the most attractive Russian regions for labor migrants. Based on data from a sociological survey using questionnaire methods and in-depth interviews, conducted by the authors […]

Kozlova O. A., Bedrina E. B., Neklyudova N. Р. Migrant ...

The article analyzes the results of the international round table Gender research in modern science: from theory to practice, held within the framework of the XX International Conference Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Conditions (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, December 6, 2023). The purpose of the event is […]

Andryushina E. V., Grigorieva N. S. Current approaches to the ...

The study was conducted at the intersection of two methodological approaches — regional and gender. It showed that territorial and gender problems are interconnected. The main research method was a comparative analysis, which, on the one hand, made it possible to identify asymmetries in the position and opportunities of women […]

Khotkina Z. A. Regional labor markets: inequality of opportunities for ...

The article examines the influence of gender educational differences on the stable excess of the men general unemployment level over the women one in modern Russia. Women are still less competitive compared to men in many aspects in the Russian labor market, including the inequalities in recruitment and dismissal and […]

Baskakova M. E. On the impact of education on the ...

Digitalization has transformed most aspects of modern life and, against the backdrop of the pandemic, has intensified the problems of European society and economy. This is above all inequality in all its dimensions, including gender inequality in the workplace, especially in the high-tech sectors of goods and services production. Digital […]

Govorova N. V. Women in the European digital economy, p. ...

The paper presents the results of empirical research into organizational socialization of students from Russian, Chinese and Iranian industrial colleges who are required to work in modern innovative companies. The research underlines the pivotal role of organizational culture as a socio-psychological context of the educational process and a key factor […]

Zakharova L. N., Saraliyeva Z. H. -М., Gadbegi Z. Barriers ...

Women’s labor behavior is a factor in demographic self-determination, which means it is inextricably linked with the formation of the future labor market, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Modern theoretical, empirical, methodological approaches to the study of female employment are faced with the need to assess the significant phenomenon of gender […]

Gnevasheva V. A., Ildarhanova Ch. I. Gender labor asymmetry: regional ...

The article considers the current situation of women in the European Union labor mar-ket in the context of the UN Agenda 2030 as well as describes the relevant EU legislation. The factors that determine the difference in pay and features of inequality at the professional level are identified. The reasons […]

Govorova N. V. The European Union market in the ...

The article analyzes the problem of Russian graduates employability. Young people make up a large part of the working-age population, are characterized by a high level of labor mobility, and also have a sufficient supply of human and social capital, and opportunities for their further accumulation. Young employees represent a […]

Krekhovets E. V., Leonova L. A. University graduates ...

Авторы анализируют поствузовские стратегии выпускников крупно-го регионального вуза, среди которых особенно важным является выбор будущего места работы, желание продолжить обучение или вообще не работать. В качестве объекта исследования для анкетного опроса были выбраны студенты выпускных курсов девяти факультетов и институтов Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Было выявлено, что […]

И. Л. Сизова, Н. В. Кладова, Т. М. Хусяинов ПОСТВУЗОВСКИЕ ...