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Article Category: WOMAN’S HISTORY
The article deals with the process of attracting Tuvan women to education as a conse-quence of political and socio-economic transformations, as a result of the formation of the independent state of the Tuvan People’s Republic in 1921. Amongst the ruling elite and the lamas of the clergy there were 106 […]
Dorzhu Z. Iu., Ochur N. M. The role ...
The author sets the task of revealing the issues of mutual assistance of women in times of difficult life situations (difficulties associated with the parents prohibition of marrying for love, cases of difficult life circumstances) based on the stories collected during field ethno-graphic work in different regions of Siberia (using […]
Fursova E. F. Mutual assistance in various life situations ...
The article “In the teeth of public opinion: Russian women-scientists in the late XVIII — early XIX c.” is dedicated to the history of Russian women-scientists of the period. Historical background was investigated as well as transformations in public opinion on the matter which took place at the turn of […]
Valkova O. А. In the teeth of public opinion: ...
Pre-revolutionary Kabardino-Balkaria economically was extremely backward, agrarian territory, with feudal and patriarchal farm patterns. Like other peoples of the East, women here were powerless and oppressed in the family and society. They were without exception illiterate and economically dependent on men. Kalym, polygamy, marriage of minors — all this puts […]
Bechelov Z. Sh., Abazova M. V. Women of ...
In the last two decades the interest to the problem of peasant families and women’s roles in it (in regional studies) has increased; however, the topic of peasant women voluntarily leaving their families remains virtually unexplored. The peasantry was the bulwark of tradi-tional Russian culture. The reasons for filing a […]
Spichak А. V. The reasons for divorce of peasant ...
In the article the main stage of women’s education formation in the Tobolsk North (within the present borders of Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets autonomous regions) is considered since its inception at the turn of the 40—50s XIX c. until 1917. Two stages of its development are singled out, the chronological boundary […]
Tsys V. V., Tsys O. P. Women’s education ...
The views of the populist/narodnik I. N. Kharlamov (1854—1887) on gender issues, presented in his essay “Woman in the Russian family” (1880), are discussed in the paper. The methodological foundations of I. N. Kharlamov’s approach to the designated problem are analyzed. Gender issue is disclosed through the confrontation of two […]
Kharitonov S. S. The gender issue in the system ...
The article analyzes the evolution of the system of female primary and secondary edu-cation in the Orel province in the second half of XIX — early XX c. The peculiarities of educa-tional process organization, the maintenance of schools and gymnasiums subordinated to the Ministry of Education are uncovered. The novelty […]
Khabaleva E. N. The evolution of the system of ...
The article is devoted to activities of ladies committees of the city of Tomsk in the years of the First World War. It is shown that the periodical press plays an important role in the study of the history of women’s charity organizations in the Siberian provinces of the war […]
Dolidovich O. M. The ladies committees of Tomsk during ...
V. D. Zaporozhskaya (1914—1985) is a bright representative of a large social group of Russian society — educated women. The subject of our research is the gender dimension of her personal history (based on oral history of outstanding, but not well-enough known specialist in Siberian studies, an archaeologist and a […]
Okladnikova E. A. V. D. Zaporozhskaya — a specialist ...
The article discusses some aspects of the American prison reform in the XIX c., associated with female crime and peculiarities of penal treatment for incarcerated women. It reviews the main institutional changes and reform results. The problem of modern concepts in the historical and criminological literature representing controversial views on […]
Vasilieva S. A. Reformation of women’s imprisonment in terms of ...
The article contains a historical and sociological analysis of the social po-sition of women in the Great Patriotic War. Considering the example of the so-cial status of women rear population, the researcher notes the factors contributing to its change. The paper defines main characteristics of the status: woman as mother, […]
Chernysheva N. V. Social position of women in the ...
The article is devoted to 60—70-s reforms of the XIX c. as an important factor in the formation of a layer of women-entrepreneurs in Dagestan. The end of the Caucasian War and the ensuing reforms of 1860—1870-s had a tremen-dous influence on the development of the Dagestan society. This period […]