Khabaleva E. N. The evolution of the system of primary and secondary education for women in Russian Empire in second half XIX — beginning of XX c. (On the example of the Orel province), P. 103-109

The article analyzes the evolution of the system of female primary and secondary edu-cation in the Orel province in the second half of XIX — early XX c. The peculiarities of educa-tional process organization, the maintenance of schools and gymnasiums subordinated to the Ministry of Education are uncovered. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that in addition to all-Russian tendencies of development of primary and gymnasium education for women, the author analyzes the state of these educational levels in a particular region of the Orel province. The article presents the data of archival materials, which allow to judge about the number and condition of schools and high schools in the province of Orel.
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