Keywords: woman

The article analyzes the content, methods of creation, and features of coverage of women’s issues in newspapers during the Great Patriotic War. The source base for the study was articles from the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia, published in the period from 22.06.1941 to 09.05.1945, as well as legal acts, official […]

Sitnikova E. L., Chernysheva N. V., Shinkarenko E. A. Women’s ...

The purpose of the research presented in the article was to study the concepts of personal security of women with different types of their financial behavior in marriage. The methods of content analysis, subjective scaling, and expert evaluation were used. The re-spondents were 100 married women aged 25 to 50 […]

Krasnyanskaya T. M., Tylets V. G., Iokhvidov V. V. Concepts ...

The article examines the gender specificity of the transmission of culture, socio-economic status, and the place of women in public perception in the Caucasus in accordance with the theory of the frontier. The study reveals many status social roles of women on the Caucasian frontier. In the course of the […]

Gazieva A. A. Mediators of culture: about gender features of ...

Using symbolism patriarchal authorities have been making women “invisible” in public spaces for centuries. Toponyms derived from people’s names have a symbolic power to emphasize who is or should be valued in society. This article reviews the importance of streets named after people for the formation of the social and […]

Herbut N. A., Herbut I. A. Women’s underrepresentation in street ...

Рассматривается тема социального и политического участия российских женщин, их политической мобилизации в период великих перемен рубежа XIX—XX вв. Особое внимание уделяется 1917 г., пониманию женского вклада в развитие революционного процесса и отражению этого понимания в российской советской и постсоветской историографии. Обобщая наработки исследователей о дореволюционных процессах 1900—1917 гг., авторы пытаются […]

Пушкарева И. М., Пушкарева Н. Л. Женское участие ...

The article studies the factors determining woman’s status in traditional society and family of the Lower Amur region native ethnies, the ways they have been transforming from the late XIX c. till nowadays. The analysis of the mentioned materials allows to conclude that women despite their unequal position in the […]

Fadeeva E. V. Woman’s status and role in society and ...

The gender aspect of the implementation of the legislation concerning religious sphere in the USSR in 1929—1990 is considered. The authors point out that the specifics of the atheistic propaganda among women and men differed, as did the methods of pressure implied against them. These specifics are analyzed in the […]

Polozova K. A., Fedotov A. A. The gender aspect of ...

This article looks at the history of everyday life as constellation of everyday practices of men and women in the Past as well as in Present. The author is trying to engender «byt»(mode of life) and everyday life practices of individuals and to show how important the gender symmetry of […]

Pushkareva N. L. About the empathy in anthropology and importance ...

The article deals with the issue of woman’s social status in the traditional Chechen family. The research is based on historical as well as ethnographic materials. The attention is paid to the meanings of words which used to denote a woman’s status as her social role was being transformed. Woman’s […]

Natayev S. A. On the issue of woman’s social status ...

This paper highlights the issues related to the role of upper-class women in social and political life of the peoples of Dagestan. The research shows that the noble woman «goryanka» not only was not infringed in social status, but in fact was able play a very significant role in the […]

Mutiewa O. S. Role of women upper class in sociopolitical ...

The article is devoted to the analysis of middle and senior age business-women’s socio-economic characteristics in modern Russian society, including: specific motives of becoming entrepreneurs and conducting business after getting retired, interrelations in business-sphere and so on. This kind of research seems relevant taking into consideration a number of factors: […]

Kolobova A. E. Middle and senior age businesswomen: traits ...

Статья посвящена анализу социально-экономических характеристик, присущих группе предпринимательниц среднего и старшего возраста в со-временном российском обществе. Выявлены некоторые взаимосвязи между возрастным, гендерным факторами и спецификой предпринимательства в контексте российского социума. Изучение феномена «возрастное женское предпринимательство» основано на результатах авторского исследования (методом глубинного интервью), проведенного в г. Саратове в период 2008—2014 […]


На основе анализа исторических и этнографических материалов рассматривается социальный статус женщины в чеченской традиционной семье. Дана социальная семантика слов, обозначавших статус женщины в чеченской семье в процессе изменения ее социальных функций в гендерном аспекте. Обозначены права и гарантии для женщины при заключении и расторжении брака. Предлагается авторское видение проблемы женского […]

Натаев С. А. К вопросу о социальном статусе женщины ...

Освещаются вопросы, связанные с ролью женщины высшего сословия в социально-политической жизни народов Дагестана. Исследование показывает, что знатная женщина-горянка не только не была ущемлена в социальном статусе, но могла играть весьма значительную роль в политических процессах. Статья написана с привлечением литературного, архивного и этнографического материала.Читать в формате PDF>>

Мутиева О. С. Роль женщин высшего сословия в социально-политических ...