Article describes controversial problems of the Great Patriotic War histo-ry; it also defines the role of historical consciousness in the process of a new na-tion-state identity of modern Kazakhstan society. The article examines the main problems of Great Patriotic War memory preservation in Kazakhstan. Considerable attention is paid to the […]

Zharkynbaeva R. S. The Great Patriotic War: gender aspects ...

The article discusses some aspects of the American prison reform in the XIX c., associated with female crime and peculiarities of penal treatment for incarcerated women. It reviews the main institutional changes and reform results. The problem of modern concepts in the historical and criminological literature representing controversial views on […]

Vasilieva S. A. Reformation of women’s imprisonment in terms of ...

M. A. Aleksandrova’s pedagogical, social and organizational activities in Khabarovsk and Ryazan Teachers’ Institute is not studied sufficiently. The same could be said about warm and longstanding relationship with a prominent historian and enlightener S. F. Platonov and his family: it has never been the subject of any research. Previously […]

Mitrofanov V. V. The main issues of professional and ...

This article is considering realization of a policy of gender equality in countries of Northern Europe because they are leaders of the world in this area. Gender equality in north￾ern countries is closely connected with the project of realization the welfare state model. We allocate characteristic features of the welfare […]

Shtyleva M. V. Realization of the policy of gender equality ...

In the article the Soviet female press of the period 1945—1991 is investigated. Its thematic and typological peculiarities and ways to influence the auditory are studied. Chang￾es of periodicals, reasons for their modification are analyzed. The author draws conclusions about the role and significance of women’s magazines in information-communicative […]

Smeyukha V.V. Women’s magazines in USSR in 1945—1991: typology, ...

As it’s shown in the article women’s involvement in industrial and agricultural manu￾facture depended on demographic and economic development of the region after the end of the Stalingrad battle. The portion of female labor in the branches of national economy in Sta￾lingrad region in 1943 — the beginning of 1950 […]

Taktasheva F.A. Women’s role in reconstruction of national economy in ...

Issues, concerning the reading of peasants at the end of the XIX — the beginning of the XX-th century which are studied not deeply by the moment are considered in the article. On the example of the Vladimir province ways of penetration of printing editions into a vil￾lage are investigated; […]

Soloviev А. A. Reading of women-peasants of the Vladimir province ...

Female charity in the Russian province on an example of families of the Russian gov￾ernors in last quarter XVIII — the XX-th century beginning is investigated; models and methods of social support of the population and an estimation of the importance of the given experience in modern conditions come to […]

Marasanova V. M., Albegova I. F., Shamatonova G. L. Historical ...

On materials of the regional archives (the State archive of the Kursk region and Kursk state museum of local lore) the article describes the features of the historical image of the woman merchant of provincial Russia in 60—90-th years of the XIX century. As the re￾search-models the representatives of two […]

Menshikova E. N. Analysis of «the outstanding features» of the ...

Article analyzed the peculiarities of memory replacement in Polish society of right￾bank Ukrainian provinces. On the basis of the structure analysis of many memories conclu￾sions about the dominant role of women in building of alternative memory — family, na￾tional, which allowed the Poles to re-establish independence through decades of statehood […]

Nikolaenko О. А. Gender aspects of memory formation (On ...

The state of marriage of Russian population at the turn of XIX—XX centuries is stud￾ied in article. Age-sex composition of married men and twomen in different regions and provinces of the country is given in article. The factors that influenced the «aging» of mar￾riageable brides and grooms, remarring are analyzed […]

Morozov S. D. Men and women of Russia at the ...

The analysis of private women’s boarding schools phenomenon in Russian province of ХIХ century is given. The author cavers special role of a boarding school in the develop￾ment of women’s education in province in the first half of the XIX century, which was unique women’s educational settlement at that time. […]

Mitsyuk N. A. «Education is not only for living-rooms». The ...

The article describes sanitary-hygienic condition in women's secular schools of Western Siberia in the early twentieth century. It examines the impact of doctors, teachers, workers’ councils and parent committees. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms was an urgent task as in educational institutions of the region frequent epidemics took place. […]

Sulimov V. S. Sanitary-hygienic state of women's educational facilities in ...

On the basis of unpublished archive materials the post-revolution period of female charitable activities in social assistance is reviewed in the article. The analysis of female organizations in Udmurtia showed that in the first post-revolution decade societal activities of women were focused on the problems of child homelessness, female unemployment, […]

Vysotskih I. K. Female charity in Udmurtia in the 1920s. ...