Abstract. In a context of geopolitical, economic, environmental and socio-political crises, often chaotic, the World Economic Forum brought together more than 1400 business leaders, policymakers, international and civil society leaders, innovators and social entrepreneurs for its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings. The meetings aim to provide a significant platform for public-private […]
Keywords: STEM
Digitalization has transformed most aspects of modern life and, against the backdrop of the pandemic, has intensified the problems of European society and economy. This is above all inequality in all its dimensions, including gender inequality in the workplace, especially in the high-tech sectors of goods and services production. Digital […]
Govorova N. V. Women in the European digital economy, p. ...
After acquiring STEM education women are less likely to go on working in that sphere, occupy leadership positions, and get a PhD compared to men with the same level of education. In this study we considered a stereotypical view “Work in STEM is not for womenˮ. 18 interviews were conducted […]
Savinskaya O. B., Lebedeva N. V. Why women leave STEM: ...
The transformation of the fight for gender equality has led to a shift from the fight for equal rights to the fight for equality of opportunity. Provided by the laws the equal rights of men and women came across the existence of unwritten standards of proper behavior and occupations of […]
Ilimbetova A. A. Participation of Russian women in STEM business, ...
После получения образования в STEM женщины, по сравнению с мужчинами, имеющими образование такого же уровня, реже продолжают работать по профессии, занимают руководящие посты, получают ученую степень. В данном исследовании рассмотрено стереотипное представление «Работа в STEM не для женщин». Было проведено 18 лейтмотивных интервью с женщинами, получившими образование в STEMобластях, работающими […]
Савинская О. Б., Лебедева Н. В. Почему женщины уходят из ...
Трансформация борьбы за гендерное равенство привела к переходу от борьбы за равенство прав к борьбе за равенство возможностей. Предусмотренное законами равенство прав мужчин и женщин натолкнулось на существование неписанных норм в отношении должного поведения и занятий женщин, на «стеклянный потолок», существование которого ощутимо, но часто недоказуемо. В то же время […]
Илимбетова А. А. Участие женщин России в STEM-бизнесе, стр.52-61
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.3.6 Development of digital technologies is not possible without qualified specialists in en-gineering and technology. At the present time many countries, including Russia, experience shortage of personnel in knowledge-base industries. One of the ways to overcome the staffing shortfall is attraction of women to STEM professions. Many foreign countries […]
Zadvornova Yu. S. Analysis of foreign experience in the ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.3.4 This article explores the problem of gender inequality, manifested in the process of so-cialization of schoolchildren and young people. This problem leads to a decrease in the motivation of girls to choose technical sciences and STEM-professions as a career. The data was collected by means of an online […]
Savinskaya O. B., Mkhitaryan T. A. STEM as ...
The article discusses the importance of the implementation of educa-tional programs for pre-school children to study the basics of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM-knowledge), as the scientific basis of development in today’s world of technological transition. Overview of the current situation in preschool education shows that STEM-knowledge gives preschoolers […]