Keywords: gender stereotypes

The article is devoted to the problem of the imbalance of men and women in the top management in Russian universities. In the course of a study conducted in 2017—2022, the authors analyzed data on 374 rectors of state universities and various aspects of their activities. The professional distribution of […]

Kryshtanovskaya O. V., Lavrov I. A., Yushkina N. A. Women ...

The article discusses one of the fundamental problems of modern political systems development — the civil and political rights of women in countries that differ in their cultural, economic and other parameters. Equality is treated as an imperative in the construction of civil-political subjectivity at the macro-social level, as a […]

Malenkov V. V. Gender equality in the structure of civil-political ...

The article is devoted to the problem of gender socialization of schoolchildren in education. The study of the chosen topic involves the content analysis of textbooks in various subjects of the school curriculum. At the same time, the study is focused on the disciplines of the STEM-cycle, since it is […]

Stolyarova K. A. Gender socialization of youth in education, p. ...

Job search acts as one of the stages of youth integration into the institute of labor. This process may be associated with the implementation of a diploma of education or occur outside of the binding to the received specialty. The results of a study on the employment of young people […]

Shinkarenko, E. A., Vitkovskaya, S. K. Youth employment: gender segmentation, ...

Russian and Chinese societies are undoubtfully experiencing social and gender transformation today. At the same moment they are still preserving (each in its own manner) patriarchal attitudes and principles of the organization of social life. Changes and uncertainty about new reality can cause a deep internal conflict (deformation of self-esteem […]

Latinov G. I., Belikova M. V. Self-consciousness and social self-establishment ...

The article presents the results of an empirical study of the gender stereotypes in modern popular nationally-oriented advertising of Russia. A multimodal discourse analysis of modern video verbal advertising has revealed the key female images in Russian advertising of the XXI century such as a courageous woman, a knight woman, […]

Omelianenko V. A. The image of a modern woman in ...

The main purpose of this article is to study gender stereotypes in the field of Russian higher education, where, in the context of updated modernization measures at the organizational, personnel, functional, and socio-motivational levels, gender stereotypes as awareness of gender differences being socially and professionally determined contain real and potential […]

Vodenko K. V., Degtyarev A. K. Gender stereotypes in higher ...

The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the professional development of women in the academic community and the identification of gender barriers characteristic of the Russian science system. The materials of the integrated applied research (online survey of young Russian scientists, N = 105; in-depth interview […]

Shvetsova A. V. Professional development barriers of young scientists in ...

After acquiring STEM education women are less likely to go on working in that sphere, occupy leadership positions, and get a PhD compared to men with the same level of education. In this study we considered a stereotypical view “Work in STEM is not for womenˮ. 18 interviews were conducted […]

Savinskaya O. B., Lebedeva N. V. Why women leave STEM: ...

После получения образования в STEM женщины, по сравнению с мужчинами, имеющими образование такого же уровня, реже продолжают работать по профессии, занимают руководящие посты, получают ученую степень. В данном исследовании рассмотрено стереотипное представление «Работа в STEM не для женщин». Было проведено 18 лейтмотивных интервью с женщинами, получившими образование в STEMобластях, работающими […]

Савинская О. Б., Лебедева Н. В. Почему женщины уходят из ...

Belarus ranks high in the world gender equality index. However, this does not mean that in practice gender balance has been already achieved. The process is hampered by traditional stereotypes and paternalistic rhetoric. The goal of the article is to demonstrate the gender imbalance that first of all appears as […]

Titarenko L. G. Gender imbalance or growth of gender ...

Беларусь занимает высокие места в мире по индексам гендерного равенства и гендерного разрыва, но практическое достижение равноправия женщин тормозится традиционными стереотипами и патерналистской риторикой. На примере сферы высшего образования продемонстрировано, что неплохие показатели гендерного равенства автоматически не приводят к преодолению гендерного дисбаланса, который поддерживается механизмами гендерного разделения труда и патерналистской […]

Титаренко Л. Г. Гендерный дисбаланс или рост гендерного равенства?, ...

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.11 The results of the international scientific conference “Gender Relations in the modern world: management, economics, social policy” (Moscow — Ivanovo — Ples, May 16—18, 2019) are analyzed in the article. The problems of the new gender order, gender aspects of management and social policy, women’s entrepreneurship and employment, […]

Smirnova I. N. Gender relations in the modern world: ...

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.5 Gender approach to health and healthcare analysis remains an underdeveloped area of social research. Improved clinical practice and biomedical research have allowed for significant progress in studying the relationship between gender and health. However, differences between men and women in society are mostly social rather than biological in […]

Grigorieva N. S., Chubarova T. V. Gender road junction ...