Abstract. The relevance of addressing this issue is determined by the large-scale transformation of family and demographic parameters of modern Russian society. The purpose of the study is to identify the axiological foundations of the discursive field of thematic family online communities in Russia. Axiological and discursive approaches were used […]
Keywords: family
Abstract.Despite the complex political and economic factors influencing the modern development of the Republic of Belarus, the tasks of maintaining a decent standard of living for the population and certain social groups (the poor, families with children and youth) remain a priority. In these conditions, it is important to study […]
Titarenko L. G. Belarusian women’s perception of their social status ...
Abstract. Married men show selfishness in ignoring the interests of their wives and children. This often leads to the breakdown of families. After a divorce, these men do not take care of the children from their ex-wives. Some of them create new families, which often break up for the same […]
Sinelnikov A. B. Characteristics of selfishness in married men and ...
Аbstract. Based on legislative materials and statistical data, the article shows that in the 1950s in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and its regions, married men and women predominantly lived with their families. The number of family members living separately from families, but connected with them by a common […]
Zhiromskaya V. B., Aralovets N. A., Chernysheva N. V. Demographic ...
Abstract. Modern families, especially in large cities, are in the process of intense change. The number of unregistered marriages is growing, and the number of children born outside of (registered) marriages is increasing. The age of marriage is rising. In the 1990s, these signs did not have such long-term trends […]
Eliseeva I. I. Family resilience, Р. 3-17
The article analyzes the results of the international round table Gender research in modern science: from theory to practice, held within the framework of the XX International Conference Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Conditions (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, December 6, 2023). The purpose of the event is […]
Andryushina E. V., Grigorieva N. S. Current approaches to the ...
Under conditions of the demographic instability, taking into account the existing negative trends in demographic processes in terms of population reproduction, it is relevant to analyze the structure of families and the processes of their formation using materials from population censuses of various periods. The purpose of the study is […]
Rostovskayа T. K., Kuchmaeva O. V. Demographic structure of families: ...
According to a study conducted by the Department of Family Sociology and Demography (Faculty of Sociology) at Lomonosov Moscow State University, men who grew up in families with three or more children create families with the same number of children more often than women whose parents had large families. However, […]
Sinelnikov A. B., Karpova V. M., Lyalikova S. V., Antonov ...
The purpose of the research presented in the article was to study the concepts of personal security of women with different types of their financial behavior in marriage. The methods of content analysis, subjective scaling, and expert evaluation were used. The re-spondents were 100 married women aged 25 to 50 […]
Krasnyanskaya T. M., Tylets V. G., Iokhvidov V. V. Concepts ...
In modern Russian society, there is a steady upward trend in attitudes towards childlessness. Young people are especially susceptible to this. The authors analyze perceptions of voluntary and involuntary childlessness based on a series of focus group interviews conducted among students in the Ivanovo region. The study showed that family […]
Gafizova N. B., Tsalko E. O. Perception of childlessness by ...
Based on the content analysis of Russian books for the period from 1900 to 2019, digitized by Google, the article analyzes certain aspects of the transformation of the family as a social institution. The authors consider the generalized image of the family, highlighting four stages of its presentation, closely related […]
Smirnov V. A., Gruzdev V. V., Ershov V. N. Some ...
The article is devoted to the description of the legal status of married women in the Russian Empire of the 19th — early 20th centuries. On the basis of a gender approach, the analysis of legislation was carried out. The author made use of a range of documentary sources and […]
Denisenko N. V. Married women in the Russian Empire: regulation ...
The institutional conditions and career opportunities of the women in Kazakhstan in the government agencies are considered in this article. The strategies, the programs and legislative conditions for Kazakhstan women in the politics are described. Based on the analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews of young women with experience in the […]
Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seidumanov S. T. Women of Kazakhstan in the ...
The article analyzes the results of a sociological study conducted in 2018 in the villages and small towns of Bashkortostan. 200 married couples were interviewed in two categories: shift migrants families and the control group (not involved in temporary employment). Temporary employment is considered to be a condition for the […]