Rostovskayа T. K., Kuchmaeva O. V. Demographic structure of families: genesis of the methodological approach, р. 56-74

Under conditions of the demographic instability, taking into account the existing negative trends in demographic processes in terms of population reproduction, it is relevant to analyze the structure of families and the processes of their formation using materials from population censuses of various periods. The purpose of the study is to identify the transformation of ideas about significant elements of the family structure, which is reflected in the methodology for conducting Russian population censuses, and to determine the main trends in changes in the structure of Russian families. The analysis methodology was based on a combination of functional, institutional and comparative approaches to the study of the institution of family. The authors relied on methodological recommendations for conducting population censuses from the UN Statistical Commission and Rosstat. The conclusions are based on population census data for 1926—2020 in Russia. The objects of the study were Russian families, the subject was the transformation of the structure of Russian families as an indicator of changes occurring in the institution of family. The article analyzes approaches to the formation of a terminological apparatus that makes it possible to study family structure according to population census data. The authors identified trends in the nuclearization of families and an increase in the proportion of people living outside families. Families are becoming smaller and smaller, and the average number of children per family is decreasing. Among the demographic family types, nuclear families are the most common, and the proportion of single-parent families is increasing. Analysis of population census data on the distribution of families by number of children allows the authors to identify the effect of demographic policy measures aimed at increasing the birth rate. The authors formulated conclusions and proposals regarding the prospects for the methodology for analyzing family structure, in particular in relation to families with children, disabilities of family members, and family groups. Read in PDF