Keywords: employment

The study was conducted at the intersection of two methodological approaches — regional and gender. It showed that territorial and gender problems are interconnected. The main research method was a comparative analysis, which, on the one hand, made it possible to identify asymmetries in the position and opportunities of women […]

Khotkina Z. A. Regional labor markets: inequality of opportunities for ...

Based on the materials from documentary sources, scientific works, statistical data, and sociological research, directions for the transformation of the social status of women during the period of Russian statehood from 1992—2022 are formulated. The authors concluded that during the designated period, women’s status positions have contradictory characteristics. The level […]

Khasbulatova О. A., Smirnova I. N. The social status of ...

The article investigates problems of combining paid employment and maternity. The theoretical approaches presented in the economic and sociological literature explaining the conflict of social roles of women’s “work and maternityˮ are analyzed. The differences in the positions of rural and urban mothers with children in the labor market are […]

Blinova T. V., Vyal’shina A. A. Working mothers’ ...

The article considers a specific group of freelancers — mom freelancers, or mama-lancers — in terms of their lifestyle characteristics and the formation of lifestyle settings. Ma-ma-lancers are women with children who use freelance as paid employment. The methodological foundations of studying the lifestyle of mama-lancers, the results of an […]

Kozhevnikova E. V., Kharchenko V. S. Lifestyle of ...

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.3.1 Overcoming the digital gender gap in Russia can be difficult because many basic prob-lems of gender inequality have not been fully resolved. The article shows what changes in pro-fessional employment and the labor market will take place as a result of the digital economy development. An attempt is […]

Khotkina Z. А. Towards the digital gender equality

Students body of the country is obviously its important social and profes-sional potential. That’s why a study of university environment is relevant. One of the important parts of this environment is a graduate school. The most influential Russian universities aspire to preserve their position in the higher education market, correspond […]

I. L. Sizova, N. V. Kladova, T. M. Khusiainov. Postgraduate ...

Авторы анализируют поствузовские стратегии выпускников крупно-го регионального вуза, среди которых особенно важным является выбор будущего места работы, желание продолжить обучение или вообще не работать. В качестве объекта исследования для анкетного опроса были выбраны студенты выпускных курсов девяти факультетов и институтов Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Было выявлено, что […]

И. Л. Сизова, Н. В. Кладова, Т. М. Хусяинов ПОСТВУЗОВСКИЕ ...