This article explores the gender gap in starting wages observed among recent university graduates in Russia. The all-Russian administrative data on graduate employment in 2022 is used for the analysis. Given the same level of education, and lack of experience, work mobility, or family status, the observed gender wage gap […]
Keywords: Russia
Gender asymmetry within the Russian political elite remains a problem, despite the recorded increase in women’s representation. Studying the reasons for this imbalance, as well as the barriers that prevent the establishment of equal opportunities for women and men, remains a very pressing issue. The purpose of this article was […]
Kryshtanovskaya O. V., Balbot N. A. Women and men: educational ...
The employment of domestic workers, especially women, is widely discussed in the foreign literature. However, little is known about employment of female domestic workers in Russia. The paper looks at the specifics of the recruitment of the female domestic workers and their main areas of employment in the context of […]
Florinskaya Yu. F., Mkrtchyan N. V., Kartseva M. A. Female ...
This article addresses gender differences in entrepreneurship in Russia, with a focus on how the Russian case compares with a set of selected benchmark countries. Utilizing primarily GEM data, we examine aspects of entrepreneurial culture, individual attitudes and resources, rates of entrepreneurship, and barriers to starting a new business. read […]
Nechemias C., Bahry D. Women entrepreneurs in Russia and other ...
Over two centuries of the Russian women‘s movement history are presented as the history of complex acceptance of Western Europe‘s social and intellectual achievements, their integration and reinterpretation, as well as adaptation to the needs of the female population of the vast country. The authors insist on the importance of […]
Pushkareva N. L., Pushkareva I. M. Two centuries of women‘s ...
The paper considers the gender situation in foreign ministries of African states. The authors investigate the history of gender changes in diplomacy in post-colonial Africa and the reasons for the high representation of women in foreign ministries and embassies of certain states, as well as policies for the recruitment of […]
Prokopenko L. Ya., Denisova T. S. Gender parity in the ...
The article analyzes the impact of pandemic on gender time allocation at the household in Russia. The research is based on statistical analysis of the survey conducted on the “Yandex. Glance” platform in May, 22—23.05, 2020. Our hypotheses are as follows: 1) during the period of self-isolation, the amount of […]
Kalabikhina I. E., Rebrey S. M. Household chores ...
Poverty is rather high in contemporary Russia: every eighth Russian was poor according to the official statistics in 2018. Fighting poverty is among the top strategic development goals for the period till 2024. The paper studies gender disparities in poverty among Russian adults. Better understanding of gender structure of poverty […]
Denisova I. A., Kartseva M. A. Gender poverty gap in ...
Работа посвящена изучению гендерной специфики бедности взрослого населения Российской Федерации. Основным методом исследования является статистический анализ на основе микроданных выборочного наблюдения доходов населения и участия в социальных программах, проведенного Росстатом в 2017 г. Результаты работы показывают, что в среднем при использовании абсолютного доходного критерия показатели уровня бедности среди мужчин и […]
Денисова И. А., Карцева М. А. Гендерные аспекты бедности в ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.4.2 The comparison of five conceptual documents in the field of socio-demographic policy for 2007—2017 was made using the method of content analysis of texts. One of the results of the analysis is the lack of continuity of conceptual approaches in different documents; the change of conceptual approach from […]
Kalabikhina I. E. Modern socio-demographic policy in Russia: is ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.7 Tightening of tobacco control policies in the 2010s in Russia for the first time in the post-Soviet period led to a significant decrease in the smoking prevalence. However, this decline mainly affected men. Why are Russian women less responsive to tobacco control poli-cies? Why rising tobacco prices and […]
Kuznetsova P. O. Why the number of smoking women ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.7 Усиление политики табачного контроля в 2010-х гг. практически не сказалось на женском курении. В поисках возможных причин автор предлагает рассмотреть проблему курения на микроуровне. Полученные результаты подтверждают гипотезу о менее зрелой стадии эпидемии курения среди женщин по сравнению с мужчинами: курение чаще встречается у жительниц крупнейших городов, а […]
Кузнецова П. О. Почему не снижается курение у женщин: ...
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation in the economic and demographic development of the population and households in the central Russia small cities, with special attention to the gender aspect. The method of statistical analysis was applied here. Additionally municipal statistics and population census […]
Kalabikhina I. E., Mokrensky D. N., Oborin M. ...
Рассматривается тема социального и политического участия российских женщин, их политической мобилизации в период великих перемен рубежа XIX—XX вв. Особое внимание уделяется 1917 г., пониманию женского вклада в развитие революционного процесса и отражению этого понимания в российской советской и постсоветской историографии. Обобщая наработки исследователей о дореволюционных процессах 1900—1917 гг., авторы пытаются […]