Keywords: gender

In this article premarital strategies of Tatars from positions of the concept of societal transformation of T. I. Zaslavskoy, the theory of P. Burd'e and gender approach are ana￾lyzed: their typology is offered, factors influencing the choice one or another premarital strategy are in PDF>>>

Shishelyakina A. L. Tatar premarital strategies in the context of ...

In the article on the basis of longitudinal research data the influence of transformation of 1990-th on the deepening of gender inequalities in health is studied. On the grounds of it the pe￾culiarities of employment, characteristics of men and women behavior models regarding health in post reform years are analyzed. […]

Popova I. P. Men and women in the spheres of ...

The analysis of private women’s boarding schools phenomenon in Russian province of ХIХ century is given. The author cavers special role of a boarding school in the develop￾ment of women’s education in province in the first half of the XIX century, which was unique women’s educational settlement at that time. […]

Mitsyuk N. A. «Education is not only for living-rooms». The ...

The question of the participation of Ukrainian women in politics and electoral activity is studied. On the basis of the survey made in different regions of Ukraine some imbalances in electoral preferences has been found out. Special attention is paid to the feasibility of revi￾talization of civil society in order […]

Skovikov A. K. Electoral activity of women and interests of ...

This paper deals with the place and the role of the widow as a part of the history of peasant women’ everyday life in Central Russia in the pre-reform and post-reform era. Par￾ticular attention is paid to historical and ethnographic data collected by the informants of the Ethnographic Bureau of […]

Mukhina Z. Z. The widow in Russian peasant community: traditions ...

In the article health-related gender differences caused by medical, socio-cultural and indi￾vidual variables: lifestyle, ideology, attitudes, social roles and stereotypes are considered. Gender differences in the sphere of mental health are also analyzed; the conclusion about the importance of the differential approach to the social policy in consideration of gender […]

Sud’in S. А. Gender aspects in the sociology of medicine ...

The author examines the process of use of foreign words in women’s magazines. Activation of functioning of foreign vocabulary in Russian language system was designated in the end of the XX — the beginning of XXI centuries. Mass media popularize foreign vocab￾ulary and enter it in the mass use. Women’s […]

Smeyukha V. V. The use of foreign vocabulary in women’s ...

The article presents a gender analysis of political ideas of K. P. Pobedonostsev. The author identifies principles of isonomy of family and political order based on an￾drocentrism and patriarchy. The role of the Orthodox worldview in the understanding of women's roles which Pobedonostsev related solely to the private sphere is […]

Kozlova N. N. Gender aspects of social and political views ...

The article deals with the theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the specifics of adaptation of the foreign students abroad in the context of their gender. The ability of new-comers to adapt to the social, cultural and academic environment and overcome prob￾lem situations are being in PDF>>>

Sukhova A. N. Gender differences in the adaptation of foreign ...

The main concepts of economic psychology of the ХХ— the XI centuries are presented in this paper. Social-psychological aspects of study of consumer behavior in foreign and Russian psychological studies are intimately examined. The results of study of women’s consumer behavior in the context of «conspicuous consumption» are presented. According […]

Shaidakova N. V. Gender aspects of psychology of consumer behavior: ...

The article comments on data from sociological study «Recruiting of the political leaders to the municipal and regional level in modern Russia: problems of optimization and improvement of the socio-political effectiveness» (2012). The conclusions are based on 22 non-standardized expert interviews and questionnaires assessing importance of various factors for career […]

Popova О. V. Gender aspects of the political career of ...

The article considers the changes in the Russian state policy on gender equality. The author proves that the Soviet model of formal legal equality was mostly used in the be￾ginning of the 1990ies. From 1995 (Beijing Conference) till 2003 Russian state policy used international principles and practices of gender equality. […]

Voronina О. А. Gender politics in modern Russia: issues and ...

The article offers the review of the recent theories of the social creativeness determi￾nation by the gender factor. The authors reveal the compatibility of the methodological approaches mentioned in the article to the Russian scholarly tradition to interconnection the study of gender factor and creativity. It is concluded that the […]

Maltsev K. G., Popel A. A. The problem of the ...