The purpose of this article is, firstly, to describe the ideas about the role of women in Russia in the XIX c., and, secondly, to highlight the most significant positions presented in the journalistic, political, philosophical and fictional works of Russian thinkers of that time. Democratic publicists actively advocated the […]
Keywords: conservatism
The article is devoted to understanding women’s question within Russian conservative thought of the XIX — first half of the XX c., using four dimensions: the methodological, insti-tutional, cultural, civilization. The author analyzes conservative ideas on nature and social roles of women as well as the impact of these ideas […]
Kozlova N. N. Women’s question in the political philosophy ...
For researchers a conservative wave that covered the field of Russian politics became an impulse for reflection about what the field (or space) of politics is and in which way the changing political context turn into metamorphoses in normative political regulations and influential political actors’ discourse. Recently metamorphoses in gender […]
Aivazova S. G. Gender discourse in the field of ...
This article focuses on the gender dimension of conservative and centrist political parties in modern Russia. The author conducted an analysis of 29 parties programs in order to find out the importance of gender in them. The study showed that 76 % of the surveyed parties mention in their programs […]
Bukina А. А. The gender dimension of programs of ...
This paper examines gender aspects of Russian conservatism in the historical novel by N. M. Karamzin «Martha-Posadnitza». Classical conservative values are embodied in the novel: strong state power (autocracy), traditions and patriarchal order. read in PDF>>>
Kozlova N. N. Woman in politics: image of Marpha Boretsky ...
The article presents a gender analysis of political ideas of K. P. Pobedonostsev. The author identifies principles of isonomy of family and political order based on androcentrism and patriarchy. The role of the Orthodox worldview in the understanding of women's roles which Pobedonostsev related solely to the private sphere is […]
Kozlova N. N. Gender aspects of social and political views ...
The article is devoted to gender analysis of K. N. Leontev’s socio-political views. It looks into the samples of ideal masculinity in Leontiev’s theory. The article focuses on such attributes of the masculine state as power and violence and analyzes social and political roles of men. read in PDF>>>
Kozlova N. N. Gender interpretation of K. N. Leontiev political ...
Статья посвящена гендерному анализу социально-политических воззрений К. Н. Леонтьева. Рассмотрены образцы идеальной маскулинности в концепции Леонтьева. Исследованы такие атрибуты маскулинного государства, как мощь и насилие. Подвергнуты анализу социальные и политические роли мужчин. Читать в формате PDF>>
Козлова Н. Н. Гендерная интерпретация политической теории византизма К. ...
Исследуются гендерные аспекты российского консерватизма в исторической повести Н. М. Карамзина «Марфа-посадница». Показывается, как воплощаются классические консервативные ценности: сильная государственная власть (самодержавие), традиции, патриархальный порядок. КОЗЛОВА Наталия Николаевна — кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры политологии, Тверской государственный университет Kozlova N. N. Woman in politics: image of Marpha Boretsky in historical […]
Козлова Н. Н. Женщина в политике: образ Марфы Борецкой в ...
Проводится гендерный анализ политических идей К. П. Победоносцева. Автор выявляет принципы изоморфности семейного и политического порядка, построенного на андроцентризме и патриархальности, раскрывает роль православного мировоззрения в понимании Победоносцевым женских ролей, связанных исключительно с частной сферой. КОЗЛОВА Наталия Николаевна кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры политологии, Тверской государственный университет. Kozlova N. N. […]