Article Category: WOMAN’S HISTORY

Authors reveal the main trends in reproductive behavior of noblewomen in the second half of XIX and the beginning of the XX c. The noblewomen are in the center of the research, because the modernization of reproductive behavior was the most pronounced in this social stratum. The study is based […]

Pushkareva N. L., Mitsyuk N. A. Modernization of reproductive ...

This article seeks to reflect the evolution of Soviet holiday tradition. The appeal to its late stage (notionally called the «Brezhnev era») presents the direction of appeared innova￾tion. Primarily it was a family in PDF>>>

Klekovkina N. V. Family function in official holidays of Brezhnev’s ...

The article deals with the modernization processes that took place in the Muslim commu￾nities of the Middle Volga in the first third of the 20th century. Based on previously unpublished archival material, the transformation of social and gender status of Muslim women is analyzed. In the conclusion the extent nature, […]

Guseva Yu. N. The struggle for a woman: Tatar-Muslim religious ...

This paper deals with the place and the role of the widow as a part of the history of peasant women’ everyday life in Central Russia in the pre-reform and post-reform era. Par￾ticular attention is paid to historical and ethnographic data collected by the informants of the Ethnographic Bureau of […]

Mukhina Z. Z. The widow in Russian peasant community: traditions ...

The article studies the factors determining woman’s status in traditional society and family of the Lower Amur region native ethnies, the ways they have been transforming from the late XIX c. till nowadays. The analysis of the mentioned materials allows to conclude that women despite their unequal position in the […]

Fadeeva E. V. Woman’s status and role in society and ...

The gender aspect of the implementation of the legislation concerning religious sphere in the USSR in 1929—1990 is considered. The authors point out that the specifics of the atheistic propaganda among women and men differed, as did the methods of pressure implied against them. These specifics are analyzed in the […]

Polozova K. A., Fedotov A. A. The gender aspect of ...

The social and age group of old maids is considered, and the specifics of their position in Russian peasantry in the late XIX — the early XX c. are revealed. On the base of the his￾torical and ethnographical data collected by the informers of the Ethnographic office headed by Prince […]

Mukhina Z. Z. Old maids in Russian peasantry (the late ...

The article represents the gender analysis of Russian luxury market during World War I and February Revolution. The article contains analysis of social experience of upper-class society members, their daily pursuits and activities in emergency conditions. The major conclusions are as follows. Luxury consumption by upper-class womenfolk increased. One can […]

Ageeva E. A. The peculiarities of women’s consumer activity on ...

The article describes the history of creation and the main directions of the ladies’ committee of Barnaul division of the Russian Red Cross Society during the Russian-Japanese War and World War I. The subject of the analysis is the question of the interaction between division management and a ladies’ charity […]

Dolidovich O. M. Ladies’ committee of the Russian Red Cross ...

The article, based on the analysis of the fundamental scientific work of the famous Russian ethnographer S. I. Rudenko “The Bashkirs. A case of ethnological monograph” (the second part was published in 1925), considers the status of women in traditional Bashkir society. Shown are the attitude of S. I. Rudenko […]

Suleimanova R. N. “She is reasonably well positioned…”: ...

This article covers the myth which was formed in the first half of the XIX c. around Nadezhda Durova, the first Russian amazon. To analyse Durova’s biography and Russian society’s attitude towards sex-gender mismatch. J. Butler’s construct of gender trouble is being used. This methodology examines Durova’s and Alexandrov’s social […]

Boyarinova P. A. Nadezhda Durova: phenomenon of gender trouble ...