Abstract. In a context of geopolitical, economic, environmental and socio-political crises, often chaotic, the World Economic Forum brought together more than 1400 business leaders, policymakers, international and civil society leaders, innovators and social entrepreneurs for its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings. The meetings aim to provide a significant platform for public-private […]
Keywords: World Economic Forum
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.4 Science and technology underpin the development of human well-being and the long-term progress of civilization, which should be reflected in the extraordinary growth of public investment in science. The number of scientists has grown, more funds are spent on science and the volume of scientific publications has increased. […]
Shvedova N. A. Higher education and science: problems of ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.4 Нaука и технология лежaт в оcнове рaзвития человечеcкого блaгоcостояния и долгоcрочного прогреccа цивилизации, что должно отрaжaться в серьезном росте госудaрственных инвестиций в нaуку. Выросло число ученых, больше cредств идет на нaуку, увеличился объем нaучных публикаций. Преодоление гендерного разрыва в науке имеет жизненно важное значение для выполнения Повестки дня […]