Issue: 2023 No.2
In modern Russian society, there is a steady upward trend in attitudes towards childlessness. Young people are especially susceptible to this. The authors analyze perceptions of voluntary and involuntary childlessness based on a series of focus group interviews conducted among students in the Ivanovo region. The study showed that family […]
Gafizova N. B., Tsalko E. O. Perception of childlessness by ...
The results of the study of the sociаl and cultural adaptation of women in interethnic marriage in the North Caucasus found that the preference for a biethnic family organization (marrying representatives of other cultures) results in a number of personal difficulties. The clash of different ideas about the world, mentalities, […]
Kudzieva F. S., Chikhtisov R. A., Gabueva A. R. Sociаl ...
Seeking medical care is one of the indicators of ensuring the health of the Russian population, which is considered an important element of human potential. The purpose of the study was to use a gender approach on a large set of data representative at the national level to assess the […]
Kislitsina O. A., Chubarova T. V. Factors influencing Russians’ applications ...
The article presents a critical analysis of family and labor policy instruments evolution and their impact on the birth rate and woman empowerment in postindustrial economies (Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, etc.). The authors have looked into such tools as state parental leave, including a non-transferable one, state […]
Rebrey S. M., Komissarova Zh. N., Kiseleva I. V., Pastukhova ...
The article deals with the topic of gender stereotypes transformation in the reflection of modern women’s magazines. The women’s press is a popular type of media that contributes both to the spread of gender stereotypes and to their maintenance; it also creates popular gender images and roles. The authors analyzed […]
Smeyukha V. V., Kuzmina O. G., Khoroshevskaya Yu. P. Reflection ...
The subject of analysis in this article is the resource aspect of the balance of opportunities for men and women in the process of adaptation to a changing environment. The relevance of developments in the field of analysis of adaptation resources of various categories of the population as a whole […]
Mozgovaya A. V. Women’s adaptation to social changes: resource potential, ...
Gender is a society’s perspective to differ men and women in term of their behavior which can be characterized through culture and religion values. This study aims to determine the close relationship between the Gender Development Index and the Poverty Line. This study used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation test […]
Suharnanik S., Yuliarini S., Endrayana Putut Laksminto E. Analysis of ...
The article analyzes the features of the labor behavior typical of women with family responsibilities. A typology of 5 kinds of female employment has been developed according to the degree of immersion in work. It is shown that women evaluate the complex of benefits from employment in the context of […]
Chernykh E. A., Nazarova U. A., Loktyukhina N. V. Women ...
“The world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030”, says UN Women’s “Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Snapshot 2022” pa-per. It contains data on gender equality for all 17 goals, pointing to “a long way to go to achieve gender equality”. It shows the relationship […]