Keywords: social capital

The results of an empirical study of the subjective well-being of overworked young women and the impact of overtime on the quality of a company’s social capital are pre-sented. The authors analyzed the positive and negative consequences of overtime for society, companies, employees and their families. The respondents were 2.648 […]

Zakharova L. N., Saralieva Z. Kh. -M., Langman I. A., ...

The article presents modern theoretical and methodological foundations for studying gender inequalities in an organizational context. The authors developed a conceptualization of the phenomenon of gender inequality and analyzed meta-theoretical approaches to its description: “Gender in organizations” and “Gendered organizations”. Three levels of gender inequalities in organizations were identified: individual-behavioral, […]

Gurieva S. D., Kazantseva T. V., Mararitsa L. V. Modern ...

The article analyzes estimations of formation and development of social capital and prospects for consolidation of our society from a gender point of view. We study features of design of social capital and reasons of gender differences determined by social stereotypes and traditional gender perceptions as well as by lack […]

Polyushkevich O. A. Estimation of social capital and prospects of ...

Дается анализ оценок формирования и развития социального капитала и перспектив консолидации нашего общества в гендерном измерении. Изучаются особенности конструирования социального капитала и причины генедрных различий, обусловленные как социальными стереотипами и традиционными гендерными представлениями, так и отсутствием современной социальной политики государства, направленной на интеграцию общества. ПОЛЮШКЕВИЧ Оксана Александровна кандидат философских наук, […]

Полюшкевич О. А. Оценка социального капитала и перспективы консолидации: гендерные ...