The paper deals with the analysis of using the Motherland symbol by the Soviet popular songs in order to represent the Cold War issues. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, the authors examine more than 1500 Soviet songs (1946—1991); 350 of them employ this symbol. The article demonstrates that the […]
Keywords: motherhood
The purpose of the article is to determine the image of a woman-mother by analyzing the main stories dedicated to motherhood in the materials of the central press of the war years. The article is based on the content analysis of publications in the newspapers “Pravda” and “Izvestiya”, published in […]
Sitnikova E. L., Chernysheva N. V., Shinkarenko E. A. The ...
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the social profile and typological features characteristic of the mothers that abandoned their newborn babies. We have interviewed 2000 respondents in 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation, conducted 27 expert interviews and 15 focus groups (N = 142) with managers, specialists, […]
Bezrukova O. N., Samoylova V. A. “Invisible” mothers: social profile ...
The institutional conditions and career opportunities of the women in Kazakhstan in the government agencies are considered in this article. The strategies, the programs and legislative conditions for Kazakhstan women in the politics are described. Based on the analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews of young women with experience in the […]
Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seidumanov S. T. Women of Kazakhstan in the ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.10 The article analyzes the formation and operation mechanisms of the institution for the protection of motherhood and infancy in Siberia in healthcare and sanitation aspect in the 1920s. The early Soviet ideologists during the “construction” of the new lifestyle and the new Soviet woman could not ignore motherhood […]
Vasekha M. V. The policy of motherhood and infanthood ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.10 Анализируются становление и механизмы работы института охраны материнства и младенчества в Сибири в области медико-санитарного просвещения женщин в 1920 х гг. Ранние советские идеологи в ходе «конструирования» нового быта и новой советской женщины не могли обойти стороной материнство как социальную функцию женщины. Создание на государственном уровне отдельного направления […]
Васеха М. В. Политика охраны материнства и младенчества 1920-х ...
The paper presents the results of both the theoretical and empirical research of social beliefs about motherhood. It is shown that social beliefs about motherhood are rather heterogeneous. They include some open content according to which motherhood is highly respected and emotionally positive social role, but there also are some […]
Miklyaeva A. V., Rumyantceva P. V. “#Sheisamother”: implicit ...
Изложены результаты теоретического и эмпирического анализа социальных представлений о материнстве. Показано, что социальные представления о материнстве неоднородны и, помимо декларируемого содержания, предполагающего исключительно позитивный образ материнства в общественном сознании, включают в себя имплицитные компоненты, содержащие противоречивые ожидания от женщины в материнской роли. Отмеченные противоречия носят универсальный с точки зрения культуры […]
Микляева А. В., Румянцева П. В. «#Онажемать»: имплицитные ...
Motherhood got into focus of social researchers in 1960—1970s. Since that time it is a rich and rapidly developing debate. This article provides an overview of contemporary Western sociological discussion about mother-hood. The author identifies three key vectors of research of motherhood: a pub-lic/private motherhood, “bad”/“good” motherhood, oppression/possibilities of motherhood. […]
Nartova N. А. Motherhood in contemporary Western sociological debate ...
The article aims to explore the circumstances of the origin of the pediatric patronage in Russia. The objective of the study is to prove that the basic methods of work with infants and their mothers were formulated and tested not in Soviet Russia, but during 1860—1910ies. The author uses an […]
Mitsyuk N. A. Tandem “conscious mother” and doctor: the ...
Педиатрический патронаж в России оформился к началу XX в. в среде высших слоев общества. Его появление было обусловлено распространением семей детоцентристского типа, «сознательным материнством» и развитием педиатрических знаний. Повышенное внимание родителей к здоровью детей было вызвано также утверждением нового типа рождаемости (меньшее количество деторождений в жизни женщины при более внимательном […]