Riabov O. V., Riabova T. B. The «Soviet Motherland» as the Cold War concept. The mother symbol of the country in the Soviet popular songs, р. 4-22

The paper deals with the analysis of using the Motherland symbol by the Soviet popular songs in order to represent the Cold War issues. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, the authors examine more than 1500 Soviet songs (1946—1991); 350 of them employ this symbol. The article demonstrates that the Soviet Motherland served as one of the most significant components of the cultural Cold War. The meanings of the symbol reflected the basic traits of the USSR—U.S. confrontation. In its own turn, exploiting this symbol introduced additional characteristics to the Cold War, representing it as not only ideological conflict but also as national by nature. The authors also point out that the cult of the Motherland had an influence on the perceived value of maternity in the USSR, contributing to the fact that mother serves as ideal Soviet woman.Read in PDF

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant № 22-18-00305 ―The images of enemy in Cold War popular culture: their content, con-temporary reception and usage in Russian and U.S. simbolic politics‖, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-18-00305/.