Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the areas of activity of women’s organizations in the Russian Empire of the late 19th and early 20th c., which was called “employee assistance”. In terms of the forms and content of social support for women, it went beyond […]
Issue: 2025 No.1
Abstract. Based on historical sources, the article examines the activities of the governing bodies of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to protect the health of mothers and children during the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period.Using various sources, the author examined the state and development of healthcare, […]
Suleimanova R. N. Maternal and child health in the post-war ...
Abstract. The relevance of addressing this issue is determined by the large-scale transformation of family and demographic parameters of modern Russian society. The purpose of the study is to identify the axiological foundations of the discursive field of thematic family online communities in Russia. Axiological and discursive approaches were used […]
Kozlova N. N., Rassadin S. V., Ovcharova O. G., Vasilyeva ...
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of fostering tolerance among students in the Republic of Tatarstan towards women in Islam who wear hijabs. Based on the results of a sociological survey of university and vocational college students in 2013, 2018 and 2024, the authors concluded that there is […]
Bayamonte (Sattarova) A. I., Fakhrutdinov R. R., Kadyrov R. V. ...
Abstract. An analysis of the volunteer activity of Belarusian and Russian female students develops scientific ideas about the social activity of young people in countries with similar cultural and sociopolitical development. The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristics and features of volunteering among female students in Russia […]
Pevnaya M. V., Telepaeva D. F., Haurylik O. N., Minchenko ...
Abstract.Despite the complex political and economic factors influencing the modern development of the Republic of Belarus, the tasks of maintaining a decent standard of living for the population and certain social groups (the poor, families with children and youth) remain a priority. In these conditions, it is important to study […]
Titarenko L. G. Belarusian women’s perception of their social status ...
Abstract. In discussions of various scientific studies, political speeches and public discussions, the relevance of forecasting the demographic situation for the long term is growing. The new national project “Family” is a large-scale action plan aimed at strengthening family values, increasing the birth rate and creating conditions for the harmonious […]
Rostovskayа T. K., Kuchmaeva O. V. Conceptual aspects of the ...
Abstract. Traditionally, economic studies are aimed at measuring the participation of women in science, based on such indicators as the share of women employed in universities, the share of women researchers, the share of women candidates and doctors of science, etc. However, these indicators do not help in any way […]
Rebrey S. M. The role of women in Russian science: ...
Abstract. Modern motherhood is structurally and meaningfully different from the experience of mothers of previous generations. The main driving forces behind the changes include both socio-political factors (transformation of gender roles, strengthening of women’s professional positions and understanding of parental care as a special form of social work) and technological […]
Shvetsova A. V. Virtual sandbox: digital practices of modern mothers, ...
Abstract. Married men show selfishness in ignoring the interests of their wives and children. This often leads to the breakdown of families. After a divorce, these men do not take care of the children from their ex-wives. Some of them create new families, which often break up for the same […]