The article concentrates on the English language being a gendered one. Special attention is drawn to different components of its lexico-grammatical structure testifying of the English language and culture being anthropo — as well as androcentric. The author ponders on the success of the gender language reforms being carried out […]
Issue: 2014 No.1
The result of demographic ageing of the Russian Federation’s population is a significant increase of older women in the structure of the Russian society. The population ageing has a number of negative social consequences. But the predominance of women among the senior citizens gives a chance for more optimistic view […]
Sorokin G. G. Grandmothers of modern Russia pp.78-81
This article discusses the features of self-presentational behavior of Russian women in the senior age (above 56 years). The problem of women's ageing is considered through the prism of the author's view on subjective self-determination of middle-aged women. The results of gender and age specifics of the self-presentation tactics are […]
Pikuleva O. А. Self-presentation of older women: Russian specifics pp.69-77
The article contains the analysis of gender particularities of the workers' resources under the conditions of Russian «double» modernization. Women have to occupy low-skilled positions, which prevent them from accumulation of the secondary modernization resources and from active participation in the modernization process. read in PDF>>>
Mityagina E. V. Contemporary workers' resources under the conditions of ...
Based on the results of sociological research in the Ivanovo region characteristics of distribution of housework between spouses in modern Russian family are analyzed. Modern tendencies of gender roles separation in the housework sphere are considered. read in PDF>>>
Zadvornova Y. S. Differentiation of housework in the Russian family: ...
This article considers understudied topic how practices of children physical punishment are formed. The research has proved that use of physical punishment is the mechanism of social status reproduction for lower social strata. The creative class, creative, educated and independent people deny the use of physical punishment in the education […]
Zelikova Ju. A. What is forming parenting practices? Physical punishment ...
This paper deals with the political context and the tools of the new family policy — balance between family and work. The author analyzes the concept of family-friendly workplace by focusing on the benefits of special support measures addressed to the workers with family responsibilities by of the employer. A […]
Chernova Zh. V. The workplace friendly to family: setting of ...
The article deals with pre-wedding rituals in Russia in the XVII c. The analysis of the major events that had direct contact with the manifestation of ethnic traditions and rituals is given. The article tracks the process of following society basic moral beliefs. We prove the importance of studying gender-colored […]
Kozlova O. A. Russian courtship and pre-wedding patterns in the ...
This article explores the impact of party organizational structures, ideologies, women's sections, and special party rules on the level of representation of women in parliaments. read in PDF>>>
Gerbut N. A. The impact of party characteristics on gender ...
The article is devoted to the study of gender processes in the state civil service. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the gender dimension of personnel processes in the state civil service. read in PDF>>>
Korostyleva N. N. Gender dimension of personnel processes in the ...
This article looks at the history of everyday life as constellation of everyday practices of men and women in the Past as well as in Present. The author is trying to engender «byt»(mode of life) and everyday life practices of individuals and to show how important the gender symmetry of […]