The article considers resources of women's associations social activities, definition of the main problem areas of gender disparities in economy, politics and law. Author‟s casestudy is based upon the experience of All-Russian Public Movement «Social Democratic Union of Women of Russia» and considers the citizen's initiative to install monument in […]
Issue: 2013 No.3
The article analyzes the importance of the social projects of women's organizations in Russia and identifies a number of functions that arise during the implementation of projects as gender education, gender equality, reproduction of historical in PDF>>>
Ovcharova O. G. Project activities of women's organizations: social and ...
In the article the concept of women's civic initiatives is revealed with specific examples classifying women‟s civic initiatives in the social sphere, in politics and in business. The author analyzes the grassroots women‟s initiatives and public platform for community-based initiatives. It attempts to assess the role and importance of women‟s […]
Gnedash А. А. Women's civic initiatives in modern Russia pp.85-92
The article analyzes a number of gender metaphors transmitted in Russian mass media which allow to understand contemporary Russian politics. The author points out archaic nature of the metaphors, which testifies immaturity of contemporary Russian in PDF>>>
Zavershinskaya N. A. Gender metaphors in the media space of ...
The paper identifies the reasons for the lack of the gender equality officer in the Russian Federation against the background of the Nordic countries and Germany experience and conditions for the establishment of the gender equality in Europe. Using gender approach the political and cultural situation of the Russian society […]
Krasil’nikova O.V. Does Russia need gender equality officers? pp.58-65
This article analyzes the role assigned to women in political cartoons, types of exaggeration, labeling of images. We investigate such categories as «ordinary woman», «female symbol», «feminized character», and personified political cartoon. The center piece of the article is the analysis of the representation of women in the political process […]
Ivanova E. N. Women in the Russian political cartoons pp.66-78
The article analyzes the Institute of the First Lady in the United States, which has become a significant factor in politics and was being spread throughout all the „civilized‟ world. We investigate such terms and concepts as the «Institute of the First Lady», and «The First Lady». The center piece […]
Shvedova N. А. The First Lady Institute as a factor ...
The article dwells upon the role of representations of Europe‟s gender order in practices of political mobilization in today‟s Russia. The authors examine how hegemonic discourse exploits the concept «Gayropa» in strengthening Russian collective identity, shaping the national idea, and legitimating in PDF>>>
Riabova T. B., Riabov O. V. «Gayropa»: gender dimension of ...
The article comments on data from sociological study «Recruiting of the political leaders to the municipal and regional level in modern Russia: problems of optimization and improvement of the socio-political effectiveness» (2012). The conclusions are based on 22 non-standardized expert interviews and questionnaires assessing importance of various factors for career […]
Popova О. V. Gender aspects of the political career of ...
The article considers the changes in the Russian state policy on gender equality. The author proves that the Soviet model of formal legal equality was mostly used in the beginning of the 1990ies. From 1995 (Beijing Conference) till 2003 Russian state policy used international principles and practices of gender equality. […]
Voronina О. А. Gender politics in modern Russia: issues and ...
The article discusses influence that gender differences render on mass politics and possible use of theoretical findings to democratize mass politics. The strategy of «empowerment» and its growth was widely studied. It appeared on the tide of massive student protests at the end of 60th and was supported by new […]