The article compares the state measures and public initiatives undertaken in Russia and Kazakhstan with the aim of reducing the level of domestic violence against women and invol-ving the public in solving this problem. The authors basing their opinion on the data of socio-logical surveys of the population concluded that […]
Article Category: FAMILY SOCIOLOGY
The paper presents the results of both the theoretical and empirical research of social beliefs about motherhood. It is shown that social beliefs about motherhood are rather heterogeneous. They include some open content according to which motherhood is highly respected and emotionally positive social role, but there also are some […]
Miklyaeva A. V., Rumyantceva P. V. “#Sheisamother”: implicit ...
The development of the phenomenon of single-parenthood is provoked and accompa-nied by a variety of trends and social practices. The authors point out the following factors of single-parent families differentiation: the genesis and structure of single-parent families, the number and age of children, income, type of housing, the level of […]
Voronin G. L., Ianak A. L. Single-parent families: ...
The article is devoted to the development of the concept of assessing family life satis-faction based on gender approach. Proceeding from the research of domestic and foreign scientists, it was concluded that the definition of the level of family life satisfaction is determined by gender imbalance in the social situation […]
Pankratova E. V., Khasbulatova O. A. The concept ...
Models of distribution of gender roles in family are analyzed. On the materials of author’s sociological research made in families of the Ivanovo region, characteristics of separation of gender roles between spouses in modern provincial Russian family are in PDF>>>
Zadvornova Yu. S. Tendencies of transformation of gender roles in ...
We studied the evolution of reproductive behavior of rural women cohorts in Krasnoyarsk Territory in the period of final birth rate modernization (1960—1980) in the context of the transformation of rural population to the decrease of birth in PDF>>>
Axenova M. N. Evolution of reproductive behavior of rural women ...
The article analyses the semantic field of Russian parenthood. Using the material of interviews with parents the authors reconstruct the following ideal-typical model of parenthood: reproduction, a confirmation of gender normative roles, a duty, a life project, a sphere of self-realization. The paper presents the main characteristics of each reconstructed […]
Chernova Zh.V., Shpakovskaya L.L. Discursive models of Russian modern ...
Based on the results of sociological research in the Ivanovo region characteristics of distribution of housework between spouses in modern Russian family are analyzed. Modern tendencies of gender roles separation in the housework sphere are considered. read in PDF>>>
Zadvornova Y. S. Differentiation of housework in the Russian family: ...
This article considers understudied topic how practices of children physical punishment are formed. The research has proved that use of physical punishment is the mechanism of social status reproduction for lower social strata. The creative class, creative, educated and independent people deny the use of physical punishment in the education […]
Zelikova Ju. A. What is forming parenting practices? Physical punishment ...
This paper deals with the political context and the tools of the new family policy — balance between family and work. The author analyzes the concept of family-friendly workplace by focusing on the benefits of special support measures addressed to the workers with family responsibilities by of the employer. A […]
Chernova Zh. V. The workplace friendly to family: setting of ...
The article deals with pre-wedding rituals in Russia in the XVII c. The analysis of the major events that had direct contact with the manifestation of ethnic traditions and rituals is given. The article tracks the process of following society basic moral beliefs. We prove the importance of studying gender-colored […]