The subject of analysis in this article is the resource aspect of the balance of opportunities for men and women in the process of adaptation to a changing environment. The relevance of developments in the field of analysis of adaptation resources of various categories of the population as a whole […]
Keywords: resources
The relevance of research in the field of entrepreneurship is currently due to unique conditions, namely, successive socio-economic crises. The article analyzes the publication activity on the issues of women’s entrepreneurship in recent years. Presented are the author’s criteria that distinguish the founders of their own successful business. The empirical […]
Zorina A. E. Personal resources as a success factor of ...
The article contains the analysis of gender particularities of the workers' resources under the conditions of Russian «double» modernization. Women have to occupy low-skilled positions, which prevent them from accumulation of the secondary modernization resources and from active participation in the modernization process. read in PDF>>>
Mityagina E. V. Contemporary workers' resources under the conditions of ...
Анализируются гендерные различия в ресурсах рабочих в условиях «двойной» российской модернизации. Женщины вынуждены работать на низкоквалифицированных должностях, что затрудняет их возможности для накопления ресурсов вторичной модернизации и активного участия в модернизационных процессах. Читать в формате PDF>>