Keywords: power

Gender asymmetry within the Russian political elite remains a problem, despite the recorded increase in women’s representation. Studying the reasons for this imbalance, as well as the barriers that prevent the establishment of equal opportunities for women and men, remains a very pressing issue. The purpose of this article was […]

Kryshtanovskaya O. V., Balbot N. A. Women and men: educational ...

Using a wide range of archival documents and other sources, the article discusses the problem of relations between the authorities and the population, in particular the female population, which acquired special urgency and relevance in the second half of the 1940s — 1950s. The cardinal changes taking place in the […]

Suleimanova R. N. “I can’t break the wall of indifference ...

Based on the latest statistical data and a secondary sociological analysis of current scientific publications, the article deals with the problem of women’s political participation in modern Russian society. The results of a sociological survey of young people on the participation of men and women in public administration are presented. […]

Ushakova V. G., Savin S. D. Women in modern Russian ...

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.3 The article is an analytical review of the gender situation in Africa, dedicated to two an-niversaries: the 60th anniversary of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 30th anniversary of the Gender Research Group formed within the framework of its Research Centers […]

Krylova N. L., Xenofontova N. A., Prokopenko L. ...

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.3 Статья представляет собой аналитический обзор гендерной ситуации в Африке, посвященный двум юбилеям: 60-летию Института Африки РАН и 30-летию Группы гендерных исследований, сформированной в рамках сотрудничества его центров. Россию и Африку связывают многие десятилетия политического, экономического и культурного сотрудничества. В сложившихся геополитических условиях Африка становится важным вектором внешнеполитического и […]

Крылова Н. Л., Ксенофонтова Н. А., Прокопенко Л. ...