The article analyzes the features of the labor behavior typical of women with family responsibilities. A typology of 5 kinds of female employment has been developed according to the degree of immersion in work. It is shown that women evaluate the complex of benefits from employment in the context of […]
Keywords: female unemployment
The position of women in the regional community of North Ossetia — Alania is studied through the prism of a subjective approach. The study is based on a survey of women, their self-assessment of their position in the system of social and professional relations. The re-spondents’ answers are structured and […]
Barsukova T. I., Saenko L. A., Taisaeva B. ...
On the basis of unpublished archive materials the post-revolution period of female charitable activities in social assistance is reviewed in the article. The analysis of female organizations in Udmurtia showed that in the first post-revolution decade societal activities of women were focused on the problems of child homelessness, female unemployment, […]
Vysotskih I. K. Female charity in Udmurtia in the 1920s. ...
На основе новых архивных материалов рассматривается послереволюционный период женской благотворительной деятельности в сфере социальной помощи. Анализируется работа женотделов на территории Удмуртии. Показано, что в первое послереволюционное десятилетие женская общественная деятельность была направлена на решение проблем детской беспризорности, женской безработицы, проституции. Представлены материалы участия женотделов Удмуртии в работе местных комитетов помощи […]