Abstract. The relevance of the topic is due to the incomplete implementation of the Family Policy Concept and the need to think about unrealized opportunities. The author analyzes the measures taken and legislative initiatives in the context of family development trends and the declared goals of family policy. The importance […]
Keywords: family policy
Abstract. Based on data from a sociological study by the authors “Student Family of Russia”, conducted in 2022 in 12 regions of Russia, the article examines the attitude of student youth to having children. The authors define the reproductive potential of student families as the difference between existing reproductive intentions […]
Rostovskayа T. K., Kuchmaeva O. V., Solovyeva N. A., Azarova ...
The purpose of the article is to examine the political career of Ruth Brian Owen, the first female diplomat in American history. The authors set out research tasks related with the identification of factors that contribute to the involvement of women in the political life of the United States, the […]
Mitsyuk N. A., Shulga M. M. Ruth Brian Owen: the ...
There are many Russian studies about governmental family policy and family values of the population, in particular the students. But there are few works in which the level and specific parameters of the correspondence between the goals of the state and the perceptions of the population in relation to the […]
Kashina M. A., Kletsina I. S. Models of family and ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.3.12 The obvious attempts by the government to find a way out of the demographic crisis in stimulating early fertility make it urgent to analyze the prospects for introducing possible pro-natal measures for women younger than 25 years old. Based on the analysis of the results of the micro-census […]
Smulyanskaya N. S. Why stimulation of early fertility in ...
It is no secret that mass media has an extremely powerful impact on the implementation of family policy. And it is often noted that images of women play a considerable role in the implementation of family policy objectives through the media. However, most researchers consider the image of women and […]
Kim N. V. Woman in the family: family policy representation ...
Представлены результаты анализа публикаций шести государственных и негосударственных СМИ о семье за два периода: 2000—2006 и 2007—2015 гг. Отмечается, что издания обоих типов изменили информационные материалы после «пронаталистского поворота» в государственной семейной политике. Рассматривается репрезентация роли женщины в публикациях, посвященных семье. Доминирующая тема биополитки, и в частности суррогатного материнства, стоит […]
Ким Н.В. Женщина в семье: репрезентация семейной политики в российских ...
This paper deals with the political context and the tools of the new family policy — balance between family and work. The author analyzes the concept of family-friendly workplace by focusing on the benefits of special support measures addressed to the workers with family responsibilities by of the employer. A […]
Chernova Zh. V. The workplace friendly to family: setting of ...
This paper discusses family policy implementation at the regional level in Russia. All subjects of the Russian Federation are ranked into four groups (developed family policy, secondary development, weak, there is no or insufficient information) depending on the degree of compliance with such criteria as: clearly highlighted online-information in regional […]
Gnedash A. A. Family policy in the regions of modern ...
Рассматриваются вопросы реализации семейной политики на региональном уровне. Все субъекты РФ ранжируются в зависимости от степени соответствия таким критериям, как наличие четко выделенного структурного подразделения в исполнительном органе, занимающегося вопросами улучшения положения семей и региональной семейной политикой; проведение мероприятий, направленных на поддержку семьи, детей и родителей; наличие программ улучшения жилищного […]
Гнедаш А. А. Семейная политика в регионах современной России: институциональные ...
Статья посвящена анализу политического контекста и инструментов новой политики в отношении семьи — политики баланса семьи и работы. Автор анализирует понятие «рабочее место, дружественное семье», фокусируя внимание на преимуществах специальных мер поддержки, адресованных работодателем работникам с семейными обязанностями. Делается сравнение актуальной повестки дня в отношении семьи современных государств всеобщего благосостояния […]