Issue: 2022 No. 3
The article is devoted to the analysis of premarital strategies of young Muslims women. Empirical study was carried out in the period from 2018 to 2021 in Kazan. In-depth interviews and focus group research were conducted. The participants of the research were representatives of young Muslim women, receiving secondary or […]
Galieva G. I., Gibadullina M. R. Premarital strategies of young ...
This study used three waves of the Generation and Gender Survey, which was conducted in Russia in 2004, 2007 and 2011 to test the association between marital quality, marital conflicts, union dissolution intensions and union dissolution realization in short-term (3 years) and medium-term (7 years) periods of time. Independent of […]
Churilova E. V., Zakharov S. V. Partnership quality, union dissolution ...
The state policy of Belarus towards the young families provides them with numerous benefits. The State expects that this policy will help young families maintain their well-being and stimulate the reproduction of the population. However, families retain a reproductive attitude to one child, which is the result of the influence […]
Titarenko L. G. The young Belarusian family: between the state ...
Agency is one of the key concepts in A. Sen’s capabilities approach. Occupying an important place in gender economic analysis, the concept has not been introduced into the Russian academic discourse. This article seeks to fill this gap by tracing the history of the formation of the concept of agency […]
Rebrey S. M. The concept of agency as a new ...
The article contains the results of a mix methods empirical research of digital technologies spread in health care practices among residents of big Russian cities. Combining two groups of methods — qualitative and quantitative — allowed us to get a comprehensive idea of the phenomenon under study. Even though d-Health […]
Bogomiagkova E. S. Digital technologies in health care practices: gender ...
The growing territorial and regional inequality, depopulation of Russia and the gender imbalance are defined in the article as an environment for social sentiment in rural areas. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, uncontrolled information flows, its inclusivity and media construction acted as a catalyst for changing social sentiment, […]
Milovanova M. Yu. Social mood of rural residents in the ...
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated with it lockdown may have affected women and men differently. The purpose of the study is to describe the system of demographic, social and economic losses from the pandemic, which potentially have a gender perspective. To confirm the gender unequal consequences of the pandemic, statistical […]
Kalabikhina I. E. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic from a ...
Gender studies are a new expanding interdisciplinary area of Russian sociohumanitarian thought. There are many review articles that describe certain areas of gender studies. However, there are still no works in which the nature and direction of the evolution of gender studies, considering the dynamics of the discourses of their […]
Kashina M. A., Tkach S. History of the evolution of ...
The article discusses one of the fundamental problems of modern political systems development — the civil and political rights of women in countries that differ in their cultural, economic and other parameters. Equality is treated as an imperative in the construction of civil-political subjectivity at the macro-social level, as a […]
Malenkov V. V. Gender equality in the structure of civil-political ...
Global cooperation is an objective feature of modernity, which is reflected in the agreed approval by the United Nations Member States of the Sustainable Development Goals. Countries have voluntarily committed themselves to achieving them. Among them, Goal 5 is dedicated to gender equality, setting an ambitious target for its achievement […]