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IssueM Articles

The process of women’s transition from charity to creation of cultural and educational organizations in the province is considered in the article. Women’s participation in political parties of the Yaroslavl province on the example of Esers party (S. G. Hrenkova), RSDLP (O. A. Varentsova, sisters Didrikil, etc.), Kadets (A. V. […]

Marasanova V. M., Albegova I. F., Shamatonova G. L. Women ...

The article deals with the theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the specifics of adaptation of the foreign students abroad in the context of their gender. The ability of new-comers to adapt to the social, cultural and academic environment and overcome prob￾lem situations are being in PDF>>>

Sukhova A. N. Gender differences in the adaptation of foreign ...

The main concepts of economic psychology of the ХХ— the XI centuries are presented in this paper. Social-psychological aspects of study of consumer behavior in foreign and Russian psychological studies are intimately examined. The results of study of women’s consumer behavior in the context of «conspicuous consumption» are presented. According […]

Shaidakova N. V. Gender aspects of psychology of consumer behavior: ...

This report contains the main results of the author’s investigations of the «job seekers» category. A special attention is given to the problem of involving the unemployed women in work and to the evaluation of risks in the state policy of the social and working relations reg￾ in PDF>>>

Sizova I. L. Job seekers women in Russian labour market ...

Models of distribution of gender roles in family are analyzed. On the materials of au￾thor’s sociological research made in families of the Ivanovo region, characteristics of separa￾tion of gender roles between spouses in modern provincial Russian family are in PDF>>>

Zadvornova Yu. S. Tendencies of transformation of gender roles in ...

We studied the evolution of reproductive behavior of rural women cohorts in Krasno￾yarsk Territory in the period of final birth rate modernization (1960—1980) in the context of the transformation of rural population to the decrease of birth in PDF>>>

Axenova M. N. Evolution of reproductive behavior of rural women ...

The article analyses the semantic field of Russian parenthood. Using the material of interviews with parents the authors reconstruct the following ideal-typical model of parenthood: reproduction, a confirmation of gender normative roles, a duty, a life project, a sphere of self-realization. The paper presents the main characteristics of each reconstructed […]

Chernova Zh.V., Shpakovskaya L.L. Discursive models of Russian modern ...

The analysis of major publications in gender relations of Russian sociologists and psy￾chologists (from the end of 1990s up to the present) is suggested. The following parameters were used for analysis: meaning and structure of gender relations, types and levels of their manifestation, dynamics and diagnostics. Prospective routs for gender […]

Kletsina I. S. The current state and prospects for gender ...

The article considers resources of women's associations social activities, definition of the main problem areas of gender disparities in economy, politics and law. Author‟s case￾study is based upon the experience of All-Russian Public Movement «Social Democratic Union of Women of Russia» and considers the citizen's initiative to install monument in […]

Milovanova M. Yu. Civil initiatives of women's associations: key resources ...

The article analyzes the importance of the social projects of women's organizations in Russia and identifies a number of functions that arise during the implementation of projects as gender education, gender equality, reproduction of historical in PDF>>>

Ovcharova O. G. Project activities of women's organizations: social and ...

In the article the concept of women's civic initiatives is revealed with specific examples classifying women‟s civic initiatives in the social sphere, in politics and in business. The author analyzes the grassroots women‟s initiatives and public platform for community-based initiatives. It attempts to assess the role and importance of women‟s […]

Gnedash А. А. Women's civic initiatives in modern Russia pp.85-92

The article analyzes a number of gender metaphors transmitted in Russian mass media which allow to understand contemporary Russian politics. The author points out archaic na￾ture of the metaphors, which testifies immaturity of contemporary Russian in PDF>>>

Zavershinskaya N. A. Gender metaphors in the media space of ...

The paper identifies the reasons for the lack of the gender equality officer in the Russian Federation against the background of the Nordic countries and Germany expe￾rience and conditions for the establishment of the gender equality in Europe. Using gender approach the political and cultural situation of the Russian society […]

Krasil’nikova O.V. Does Russia need gender equality officers? pp.58-65

This article analyzes the role assigned to women in political cartoons, types of exagge￾ration, labeling of images. We investigate such categories as «ordinary woman», «female symbol», «feminized character», and personified political cartoon. The center piece of the article is the analysis of the representation of women in the political process […]

Ivanova E. N. Women in the Russian political cartoons pp.66-78