The article based on the analysis of Soviet movies and film criticism of the «long fifties» is devoted to investigating the ways in which the films exploited gender discourse to produce Otherness. Cinematic representations of the American masculinity served as a weapon of the Cold War. Masculinity of the Enemy […]
In this article specific of virtual identity’s building is analyzed, terms of virtual gender identity and its forms are identified. Both phenomena are verified through the analysis of ways of adolescents’ virtual gender identity building in the social network web-site «Vkontakte». This study has revealed a socially desirable pattern of […]
Shchekoturov A. V. Construction of adolescents’ virtual gender identity in ...
In the article health-related gender differences caused by medical, socio-cultural and individual variables: lifestyle, ideology, attitudes, social roles and stereotypes are considered. Gender differences in the sphere of mental health are also analyzed; the conclusion about the importance of the differential approach to the social policy in consideration of gender […]
Sud’in S. А. Gender aspects in the sociology of medicine ...
Article is based on the empirical data of the longitudinal research of living conditions, time use and daily activity of the rural population (1975—2005), which was conducted by the Institute of Economics and IE of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science in the Novosibirsk region (headed by […]
Novochatskaya O. V. Rural women: work and leisure pp.15-23
The modification of Russian army’s structure, aimed at creating a professional contract-based army, led to a large number of women deciding to join the Army. This fact changed the gender composition of the military society, but according to the traditional view army service is seen as an attribute of masculinity; […]