Тhe article analyzes the role of women in the process of conservation and progress of Kalmyk culture and identity.read in PDF>>>
Women’s status in the Republic of Dagestan is determined by two polar tendencies. On the one hand, the religious and ethnic revival brings women back to the traditional values and the way of life. On the other hand, modernization, Western values as well as universal values, and the impact of […]
Mutaev U. K. Social space of contemporary Dagestani women pp.31-34
The article based on applied research in sociology investigates the peculiarities of gender relationships. The material under analysis was gathered between 2004 and 2010 in multinational territories of the North Caucasus. Taking into consideration the orientation content of gender interaction in public and private spheres as well as match (mismatch) […]
Klimenko L. V. Gender disposition in a modern family of ...
The article based on the of author’s sociological survey data examines the contemporary tendencies of gender policy in Northern Caucasus.read in PDF>>>
Sirazhudinova S. V. Gender policy in Russian Northern Caucasus: ...
The cult of the earth as the image of Mother-parent was included in the system of natural objects performing as an analogue of woman’s breeding beginning: land, water, bank split, caves, generic mountains, some kinds of trees. In their honour Buryats carried out rites asking for babies, fertility and prosperity. […]
Nikolaeva D. A. Female divinities of the earth and their ...
In the modern world proclaiming the values of democracy, human rights and equality, the issue of social borders is still relevant. The article explores the question of the existence of gender boundaries in the North Caucasian society. The article is based on the results of the sociological research in the […]
Sirazhudinova S. V. Gender borders and the perspective for gender ...
The article deals with the issue of woman’s social status in the traditional Chechen family. The research is based on historical as well as ethnographic materials. The attention is paid to the meanings of words which used to denote a woman’s status as her social role was being transformed. Woman’s […]
Natayev S. A. On the issue of woman’s social status ...
This paper highlights the issues related to the role of upper-class women in social and political life of the peoples of Dagestan. The research shows that the noble woman «goryanka» not only was not infringed in social status, but in fact was able play a very significant role in the […]