The ruling of households in Tajikistan still remains patriarchal. There exists the practice of distribution of gender roles in the society which was established earlier. Active inclusion of women into the process of labor migration tends to enter new behavior models into the social life of Tajikistan, which is not […]
Keywords: social role
The transformation of the social roles of the village female teachers is analyzed in the article on the base of the interviews with the students and the principal of Prokudino village school, Saratov region. This process is considered as reaction to the village school network reform. The author points out […]
Leljukhin S. V. The roles of village female teachers: a ...
На основе интервью с учениками и директором школы села Прокудино Аткарского района Саратовской области анализируется трансформация социальных ролей сельских учительниц. Этот процесс рассматривается как реакция на преобразования сельской школьной сети. Автор выявил четыре социальные роли: матери, коррекционного педагога, усыновителя и защитника села.Читать в формате PDF>>