The article examines the specifics of reproductive rights presentation in political discourse of modern Russia and it is based on the well-handled quantitative and qualitative content-analysis and frame-analyses of collections of speeches of political leaders and official programs of political parties which participate in electoral process of 2016. The main […]
Keywords: political parties
The article provides the analysis of political parties’ programs registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in terms of their using the theme of demographic policy, which is seen through the lens of women’s re-productive health and abortion. There are several groups of political parties ac-cording to […]
Popova O. V., Maslova A. E., Agapitova M. I. ...
This article focuses on the gender dimension of conservative and centrist political parties in modern Russia. The author conducted an analysis of 29 parties programs in order to find out the importance of gender in them. The study showed that 76 % of the surveyed parties mention in their programs […]