The article analyzes the results of the international round table Gender research in modern science: from theory to practice, held within the framework of the XX International Conference Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Conditions (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, December 6, 2023). The purpose of the event is […]
Keywords: health care
Seeking medical care is one of the indicators of ensuring the health of the Russian population, which is considered an important element of human potential. The purpose of the study was to use a gender approach on a large set of data representative at the national level to assess the […]
Kislitsina O. A., Chubarova T. V. Factors influencing Russians’ applications ...
The article contains the results of a mix methods empirical research of digital technologies spread in health care practices among residents of big Russian cities. Combining two groups of methods — qualitative and quantitative — allowed us to get a comprehensive idea of the phenomenon under study. Even though d-Health […]