The article is devoted to the problem of the imbalance of men and women in the top management in Russian universities. In the course of a study conducted in 2017—2022, the authors analyzed data on 374 rectors of state universities and various aspects of their activities. The professional distribution of […]
Keywords: feminization
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.1 The subject of the article is the country gender landscape as the main factor of a new gender order formation in the context of globalization. The article analyses social con-troversies of this process and its features at three social levels: macro- , meso- , and micro. A typological […]
Sillaste G. G. The country gender landscape as the ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.1 Предмет исследования — страновой гендерный ландшафт как один из важнейших факторов формирования нового гендерного порядка в условиях глобализации. Анализируются социальные противоречия этого процесса и их особенности на трех уровнях: макро- , мезо- и микроуровне. Предложена типологическая группировка стран по гендерной структуре населения с учетом ее асимметричности и дисбаланса. […]
Силласте Г. Г. Страновой гендерный ландшафт как фактор формирования ...
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation in the economic and demographic development of the population and households in the central Russia small cities, with special attention to the gender aspect. The method of statistical analysis was applied here. Additionally municipal statistics and population census […]