The article deals with pre-wedding rituals in Russia in the XVII c. The analysis of the major events that had direct contact with the manifestation of ethnic traditions and rituals is given. The article tracks the process of following society basic moral beliefs. We prove the importance of studying gender-colored […]
Article Tag: патриархат
The article is devoted to gender analysis of K. N. Leontev’s socio-political views. It looks into the samples of ideal masculinity in Leontiev’s theory. The article focuses on such attributes of the masculine state as power and violence and analyzes social and political roles of men. read in PDF>>>
Kozlova N. N. Gender interpretation of K. N. Leontiev political ...
Статья посвящена гендерному анализу социально-политических воззрений К. Н. Леонтьева. Рассмотрены образцы идеальной маскулинности в концепции Леонтьева. Исследованы такие атрибуты маскулинного государства, как мощь и насилие. Подвергнуты анализу социальные и политические роли мужчин. Читать в формате PDF>>