The article focuses on the losses among civil population on the occupied territories of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The author makes use of a wide range of documentary sources and literature on Great Patriotic and World War II history. His own calculations and also statistic data on […]
The article analyzes the modes of women’s behavior in the territory of Kalinin region occupied by the Germans in 1941—1944. The article is based on the analysis of reminiscences of the war and official records. The records of Tver documentation centre of modern and contemporary history as well as archives […]
Bolokina L. A. The women of the occupied Kalinin ...
The article deals with the analysis of employing the symbol of Mother Volga in the discourse of the battle of Stalingrad. The author points out that the battle was represented in the Soviet propaganda as defending Mother Volga which served as a substitute of the Motherland. The article begins with […]
Riabov O. V. “Let us defend Mother Volga!”: the ...
The article is devoted to the gender aspect of social policy during the Great Patriotic War 1941—1945. On the base of the wide set of documents the author demonstrates the process of women getting involved in all spheres of economy with the exception of high-ranked positions in the government and […]